Doctor Who, The Matt Smith Box Set Season 1 Episode 8

Ep 8. Season 5, Episode 3, "Victory of the Daleks"

  • April 17, 2010

The Doctor and his companion Amy Pond find themselves in London during World War II, where they come face to face with a familiar enemy – the Daleks. However, these Daleks are not quite what they seem. They are a new model created by the Dalek creator, Winston Churchill, and are designed to aid the Allies in their war effort.

The Doctor is suspicious of the Daleks' true intentions and sends Amy on a mission to investigate. Meanwhile, he meets with Churchill and other high-ranking officials to discuss the Dalek threat. The Doctor discovers that the new Daleks are actually designed to recognize and serve their leader, who has yet to be revealed.

As the episode progresses, the Daleks prove to be a formidable force, defeating the Doctor and his allies at every turn. The Doctor begins to realize that the Daleks may not be as benevolent as Churchill believes and decides to take matters into his own hands.

With the help of Amy, the Doctor attempts to uncover the truth behind the Daleks' true purpose and stop them from completing their mission. Along the way, they encounter a new ally in the form of a World War II pilot named Bracewell, who holds a crucial piece of information about the Dalek plan.

As the episode reaches its climax, the true purpose of the Daleks is revealed, and the Doctor and his companions are forced to make a difficult decision that could have dire consequences for the fate of the universe.

Overall, "Victory of the Daleks" is a thrilling episode that combines action, adventure, and suspense in a way that only Doctor Who can. With its iconic villains, pulse-pounding action scenes, and thought-provoking themes, this episode is a must-watch for fans of the show.

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  • First Aired
    April 17, 2010
  • Language