Doctor Who, The Matt Smith Specials Season 2 Episode 2

Ep 2. The Time of the Doctor

  • December 25, 2013

The Time of the Doctor is the sixth episode in the Matt Smith Specials on Doctor Who. In this episode, the Doctor is stranded on a planet called Trenzalore and spends centuries there protecting a small town from invading forces. The planet becomes the site of a major galactic conflict and the Doctor discovers that he is the only one who can stop it.

Throughout the episode, the Doctor faces various enemies and obstacles, all the while aging and growing weary from inhabiting the planet for so long. He is forced to make difficult decisions and face his own mortality as he realizes that this will be his final adventure. However, he remains determined to protect the town and its people, even as the odds and his own body begin to turn against him.

The Time of the Doctor showcases the best of Matt Smith's talents as the Doctor. His energetic and idiosyncratic portrayal of the character is on full display, even as he faces increasingly dire consequences. The episode also features standout performances from other cast members, including Jenna Coleman as Clara Oswald and Orla Brady as Tasha Lem, a key player in the galactic conflict.

At its core, The Time of the Doctor is a story about the importance of protecting and cherishing the things we care about, even in the face of overwhelming odds and seemingly insurmountable challenges. The Doctor's commitment to the people of Trenzalore, even as he ages and his strength wanes, is a powerful testament to this message.

Overall, The Time of the Doctor is a must-watch episode for Doctor Who fans, particularly those who have been following the story of Matt Smith's Doctor. It is a fitting farewell to a beloved character and a thrilling adventure in its own right.

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  • First Aired
    December 25, 2013
  • Language