E:60 Season 10 Episode 4
Season 10

Ep 4. Claressa Shields

  • May 10, 2016

In season 10 episode 4 of E:60, viewers are taken on a journey that explores the inspiring story of Claressa Shields. Shields is a two-time Olympic gold medalist in women's boxing, and her tale is one of determination, triumph, and perseverance.

The episode begins by introducing Shields and her family, who hail from Flint, Michigan. Viewers learn about the challenges Shields faced as a child, from growing up in a dangerous neighborhood to dealing with her parents' drug addictions. Despite these obstacles, Shields found solace in boxing, a sport that quickly became her passion.

As we delve deeper into Shields' story, we learn about her training regimen and the enormous sacrifices she made to achieve her goals. Viewers watch as she prepares for her biggest fight yet, against Christina Hammer, and witness the intense physical and mental preparation required to compete at the highest level.

In addition to examining Shields' boxing career, the episode also delves into her personal life, including her relationship with her family and her struggles with mental health. Viewers hear from Shields herself, as she discusses the challenges she's faced over the years and the coping mechanisms she's developed to overcome them.

Throughout the episode, viewers are treated to stunning visuals of Shields in action. From training montages to footage of her Olympic victories, the viewer is given a front-row seat to Shields' incredible journey. But what truly sets this episode apart is the way it explores the human side of Shields' story. We're shown a woman who has overcome enormous adversity and is now using her platform to inspire others, both in and out of the ring.

Overall, season 10 episode 4 of E:60 is a must-watch for fans of boxing and anyone who appreciates stories of resilience and perseverance. The episode provides an intimate look at Claressa Shields' journey, showcasing the many challenges she's faced and the incredible strength and determination she's shown in overcoming them.

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  • First Aired
    May 10, 2016
  • Language