F is for Family Season 1 Episode 3
F is for Family
Season 1

Ep 3. The Through

  • December 18, 2015
  • 25 min
  • 7.7  (902)

Frank's frustrations at work reach boiling point in episode 3 of F is for Family's first season, titled "The Through." Set in the fictional town of Rustvale during the 1970s, this animated sitcom provides a hilarious yet relatable portrayal of the Murphy family's daily challenges.

The episode opens with Frank Murphy, the harried and often short-tempered father, facing a seemingly endless conveyor belt of tasks and grievances. He is the sole breadwinner for his family, working at Mohican Airways as a baggage handler. Overwhelmed by low pay, long hours, and tedious work, Frank finds himself trapped in a robotic routine that is slowly chipping away at his sanity.

As Frank navigates the monotony of his work-life, we see the stark contrast between his dreams of achieving greatness and the harsh reality of his everyday existence. He frequently escapes into fantasies where he becomes the hero, fighting off villains and saving the day — a stark contrast to his actual job that feels insignificant and unnoticed.

Back at home, Sue Murphy, Frank's wife, is also facing her own set of challenges. Sue is a housewife and mother of three, tasked with managing the household while also dealing with the frustrations of her unruly teenage son, Kevin, and sulking daughter, Maureen. Sue's storyline in this episode revolves around her search for a meaningful purpose beyond the domestic realm, as she grapples with a sense of unfulfillment and looks for ways to engage her intellectual and creative abilities.

Meanwhile, the Murphy children face their own unique struggles. Kevin, the eldest, is in the midst of his rebellious phase. He clashes with his father over school, authority, and his desire for independence. Maureen, the youngest of the three, is a curious and outspoken young girl who is trying to navigate the complexities of adolescence. With influences from her peers and her own quest for identity, Maureen's journey unfolds with humorous and touching moments.

In "The Through," we witness the theme of generational conflict play out as the differences between Frank's old-school parenting and Kevin's desire for independence collide. The episode explores how fathers often struggle to adapt to the changing times and how their frustration can inadvertently mold their children's worldviews. The tensions between Frank and Kevin are comically portrayed, shedding light on the challenges of parenthood in an ever-changing world.

As the episode progresses, an incident at work pushes Frank to his breaking point. His frustrations boil over, and he confronts his condescending boss, demanding the respect and recognition he feels he deserves. Frank's outburst becomes a catalyst for change, forcing him to reassess his priorities and consider his options for the future.

Ultimately, "The Through" captures the essence of F is for Family as a show that seamlessly blends comedy and drama to portray the trials and tribulations of a flawed yet endearing family. The episode delves into the complexities of the characters' lives, highlighting the universal themes of ambition, identity, and the constant struggle to find one's place in the world.

With its sharp writing, relatable characters, and nostalgic 1970s setting, F is for Family continues to captivate audiences with its heartfelt storytelling and satirical take on family dynamics. In episode 3, "The Through," the series delivers another poignant and comedic exploration of the Murphy family's journey.

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F is for Family, Season 1 Episode 3, is available to watch and stream on Netflix. You can also buy, rent F is for Family on demand at Netflix online.
  • First Aired
    December 18, 2015
  • Runtime
    25 min
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    7.7  (902)