Grojband Season 1 Episode 15
Season 1

Ep 15. Smash Up Derby

  • June 21, 2013

Grojband season 1 episode 15 is titled "Smash Up Derby." The episode features a fun and exciting competition that pits the various characters in the show against one another to see who can build the best derby car.

The competition is held in a large arena, where each group of characters is given a set of materials to build their car from. As they work, tensions rise and rivalries begin to form between the different teams. Each character brings their own unique skills and personalities to the table, and viewers are sure to be entertained by the various arguments and hijinks that ensue.

As the competition heats up, the cars begin to take shape and it becomes clear that each team has a shot at winning. The derby cars are all different and creatively designed, with each group trying to outdo the others with their own unique brand of flair. There are plenty of fun and exciting moments as the cars are tested and tweaked, with each team trying to find that perfect balance between speed and durability.

One of the highlights of the episode is the final race, where the cars are pitted against each other in a brutal competition. The race is tense and exhilarating, with plenty of close calls and near misses as the cars careen around the track. Eventually, a winner is crowned, but not before some unexpected twists and turns keep viewers on the edge of their seats.

Overall, "Smash Up Derby" is a fun and action-packed episode of Grojband. Fans of the show will love the competitive spirit and creative elements of the derby competition, while newcomers will be introduced to a world of colorful characters and exciting adventures. Whether you're a fan of racing or just looking for a fun and engaging show to watch, Grojband season 1 episode 15 is definitely worth checking out.

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  • First Aired
    June 21, 2013
  • Language