HBO Specials Season 1 Episode 16
HBO Specials
Season 1

Ep 16. Mondays at Racine / Open Heart / Redemption

  • October 14, 2013

Mondays at Racine / Open Heart / Redemption is the sixteenth episode of the first season of HBO Specials, an anthology series featuring a diverse range of stories and perspectives. This episode focuses on three separate stories, each exploring different themes of hope, healing, and redemption.

The first story, Mondays at Racine, follows the lives of two sisters, Cynthia and Rachel, who run a hair salon in Long Island, New York. Every third Monday of the month, they open their doors to women undergoing chemotherapy, offering them free hair and scalp treatments to help alleviate the physical and emotional toll of cancer treatment. The documentary explores the impact of cancer on these women's lives, and the sense of community and support that Cynthia and Rachel have created through their salon.

The second story, Open Heart, follows the journey of eight Rwandan children who are flown to Sudan for life-saving heart surgery. The children suffer from congenital heart defects, a condition that is fatal without surgery. The documentary follows their emotional journey as they leave behind their families and travel to a foreign country in search of a chance at life. The story also explores the challenges that come with providing medical care in a resource-limited setting, and the selfless dedication of the doctors and nurses who work tirelessly to save these children's lives.

The final story, Redemption, is a powerful portrait of two men who have found meaning and purpose in their lives after serving time in prison. The film follows Patrick and Marcus as they work to rebuild their lives after being released from prison, and confront the challenges of reintegration into society. Through candid interviews and footage of their daily life, the documentary explores their struggles with addiction, poverty, and mental illness, as well as the profound impact of their newfound faith.

Mondays at Racine / Open Heart / Redemption is a moving and thought-provoking episode that weaves together diverse stories of human resilience and courage. It is a testament to the power of community, empathy, and hope in the face of adversity.

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  • First Aired
    October 14, 2013
  • Language