Incredible Inventions Season 2 Episode 11

Ep 11. Parachutes, Rockets, Solar Panels

  • TV-PG
  • October 13, 2017
  • 20 min

Incredible Inventions season 2 episode 11, titled "Parachutes, Rockets, Solar Panels," explores the fascinating world of three of the most important inventions in human history. This episode takes a closer look at three incredibly vital inventions without which modern life would be completely different.

The first invention featured is the parachute, a device that has been essential in aviation since the early days of flight. This episode traces the history of the parachute from its humble beginnings as a simple linen-and-silk combination, to the modern-day designs that rely on the latest materials and technologies to provide the safest and most effective means of escape from an aircraft or other high-altitude object. Viewers will learn about the various types of parachutes, their uses and capabilities, and how they have evolved over the years.

The episode then moves on to rockets, which have been critical to the development of space exploration and satellite technology. The episode explores how rockets work and the amazing innovations that have gone into their development over the years. The episode also highlights the very first space launch, it takes viewers on a journey through the critical events and innovations that allowed for the launch of the first rocket into space. The episode speaks of how rockets have been used in space exploration and the significant impact that they have had on our understanding of the universe.

One of the most critical inventions of the 21st century is the solar panel. The episode explores the science behind solar panels, from the fundamental principles behind how they work to the latest advancements in technology that are making them more efficient and cost-effective than ever before. The episode highlights the many ways in which solar panels are being used today, including powering homes and businesses, charging electric cars, and even providing electricity to remote and underdeveloped areas of the world.

Throughout the episode, viewers are treated to expert interviews with some of the most influential inventors, scientists, and engineers in the world. These interviews provide valuable insights into the development of each of these three inventions, as well as tips for aspiring inventors and engineers who want to follow in their footsteps. The episode also features exciting footage of these three inventions in action, from the thrilling sight of a parachute deployment to the awe-inspiring sight of a rocket launch.

Overall, "Incredible Inventions: Parachutes, Rockets, Solar Panels" is an engaging and informative episode that showcases some of the most critical inventions in human history. Viewers will be inspired by the ingenuity and innovation that have gone into the development of these three technologies, and walk away with a greater appreciation of the impact that these inventions have had on our world.

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  • First Aired
    October 13, 2017
  • Content Rating
  • Runtime
    20 min
  • Language