Masters of Illusion Season 6 Episode 7

Ep 7. Ultimate Mind Readers And One Big Green Bag

  • July 26, 2019

The latest episode of Masters of Illusion season 6, titled "Ultimate Mind Readers And One Big Green Bag," promises to be a thrilling ride through the world of magic and illusion like never before. With a collection of some of the world's best illusionists, viewers can expect to witness some incredible feats of mentalism and mind reading.

The episode starts off with a bang, showcasing amazing performances by illusionists Eric Jones, Jibrizy, and Chris Korn, who use their psychic abilities to read the minds of the audience and perform some truly remarkable stunts. From predicting the choices of the viewers to pulling off impossible feats of telekinesis, these talented artists leave the audience stunned and amazed.

One of the standout moments in the episode comes from Jonathan Pendragon, who performs an incredible illusion with a large green bag that seems to defy all logic and reason. The bag, which appears to be empty, is shown to the audience from all angles and even cut open to reveal nothing inside. However, in a shocking twist, Pendragon is able to produce not one, but two live doves from the supposedly empty bag, leaving the audience in awe and wondering just how he pulled off such an incredible feat.

Another noteworthy performance comes from daredevil magician Chris Randall, who takes things to new heights with his dangerous and exciting act involving a bed of razor-sharp spikes. Performing death-defying stunts, Randall uses his agility and quick-thinking to avoid being impaled by the deadly spikes, all while keeping the audience on the edge of their seats and wondering how he's able to cheat death with such ease.

Of course, no episode of Masters of Illusion would be complete without some mind-bending card tricks, and this episode certainly delivers on that front. Illusionists Jarrett and Raja deliver a stunning performance that sees them taking a deck of cards and seemingly multiplying it in front of the viewers' eyes. The duo's quick wits and incredible sleight of hand skills are sure to leave audiences wondering just how they pulled off such a mind-bending trick.

Overall, "Ultimate Mind Readers And One Big Green Bag" is a fantastic addition to the Masters of Illusion series, delivering some of the best illusions and mind-bending stunts from some of the world's top illusionists. With something for everyone, this episode is not to be missed by fans of magic, illusion, and mind-reading.

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  • First Aired
    July 26, 2019
  • Language