Nature Season 29 Episode 13
Season 29

Ep 13. Outback Pelicans

  • March 27, 2011

Outback Pelicans is an amazing episode from the popular TV show Nature season 29. This episode takes the audience to the remote and ruggedly beautiful outback of Australia to observe and learn about the fascinating life of pelicans. Pelicans are one of the largest and most recognizable birds on Earth, with their large bills, impressive wingspan, and specific behaviors. The crew follows the pelicans' journey through various stages of life, from hatching to catching food and raising its young.

The episode starts with a breathtaking aerial view of the Australian outback, and the audience is presented with the first glimpse of the majestic Australian pelicans, soaring high over the barren landscape. These fascinating birds can travel up to thousands of kilometers to reach their breeding grounds, which is usually a massive lake, where they can gather into flocks of hundreds, or even thousands of birds, creating a spectacular display of nature's majesty.

The show continues to dive deep into the pelicans' lives, and the audience is given a view of these fascinating birds' endless struggle for survival. The crew documents how the pelicans use their enormous bills to scoop fish from the water, and how they regurgitate the undigested parts to feed their young. This process is essential, and without it, the young would not survive.

Pelicans are also known for their extraordinary cooperative behavior, and Outback Pelicans explores the dynamics of these massive groups of birds. They demonstrate how they take turns spreading their massive wings to provide shade for the young, as well as how they work together to herd fish into shallow water, making it easier for the birds to capture their prey.

Throughout the show, viewers learn about the pelican's journey from egg to adult. Crew members visit the breeding grounds where they witness the pelicans' courtship behavior, as well as how they build their nests and raise their young. The breeding season can be a tumultuous time, and the crew captures dramatic scenes of the pelicans fighting to protect their nests and young from predators such as foxes and snakes.

The camera work and stunning visuals in this episode transport the viewers to another world, where the everyday struggles of humans seem trivial in comparison to the pelicans' tenacious fight for survival. The crew captures the stunning beauty of the Australian outback, from the bountiful lakes where the pelicans feed to the rugged mountain landscapes that make up their habitat.

In conclusion, Outback Pelicans is a remarkable episode that showcases the stunning beauty and tenacious spirit of these amazing birds. From their incredible size to their dramatic courtship behaviors, the Pelicans leave the viewer in awe of their remarkable abilities. Whether you're a nature enthusiast, birdwatcher, or simply looking for an escape from the hustle of daily life, this episode will not disappoint.

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  • First Aired
    March 27, 2011
  • Language