Politicking with Larry King Season 5 Episode 143

Ep 143. Scholar Arthur Brooks: Capitalism Will Solve COVID-19 Pandemic

  • TV14
  • July 20, 2020

In season 5 episode 143 of Politicking with Larry King, Larry King interviews scholar Arthur Brooks about his thoughts on how capitalism can solve the COVID-19 pandemic.

Brooks, who is a Harvard professor and a columnist for The Atlantic, begins the interview by stating that the pandemic has exposed the flaws in our economic system, particularly in healthcare. He notes that the COVID-19 crisis has exposed the weaknesses in countries that have a socialized healthcare system, including Italy and Spain. Brooks argues that capitalism, with its focus on innovation and competition, is better suited to finding solutions to healthcare challenges than government-controlled systems.

King then asks Brooks about the economic impact of the pandemic, and Brooks acknowledges that it has been devastating for some industries, particularly those that require in-person interactions. He notes, however, that the pandemic has also created opportunities for innovation and new business models. For example, many businesses have shifted to remote work, and telemedicine has seen a surge in popularity.

Brooks goes on to discuss the importance of education and training in preparing for the future, particularly in the wake of the pandemic. He argues that workers need to be adaptable and constantly re-skilling. He also stresses the importance of entrepreneurship in driving economic growth, particularly during times of crisis.

The conversation then turns to the government's response to the pandemic, and Brooks argues that policymakers need to strike a balance between protecting public health and promoting economic growth. He suggests that the government's role should be to provide the necessary resources and infrastructure for businesses to succeed, rather than controlling the economy or bailing out failing industries.

King and Brooks also discuss the political divisions that have arisen during the pandemic, particularly in the United States. Brooks argues that the pandemic has exposed the flaws in our political system, but he remains optimistic that the country can come together to address the current crisis.

Overall, season 5 episode 143 of Politicking with Larry King offers a thought-provoking conversation about the economic and political impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Brooks offers a nuanced perspective that emphasizes the importance of innovation, education, and entrepreneurialism in finding solutions to healthcare challenges and driving economic growth.

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  • First Aired
    July 20, 2020
  • Content Rating
  • Language