Politicking with Larry King Season 5 Episode 82

Ep 82. Scholars Weigh-in On Impeachment; Did Their Testimony Change Anything?

  • TV14
  • December 5, 2019

Scholars Weigh-in On Impeachment; Did Their Testimony Change Anything? is the topic of discussion on the latest episode of Politicking with Larry King. Hosted by broadcasting legend Larry King, the show brings together a panel of experts to analyze the latest political developments in the United States.

With impeachment proceedings underway against President Donald Trump, the guests on this episode are all scholars who have studied impeachment and the U.S. Constitution extensively. They are asked to share their thoughts on the ongoing hearings and to consider the impact of the recent testimony given by a number of witnesses.

The guests include Professor Frank Bowman, constitutional law expert at the University of Missouri School of Law; Professor Susan Low Bloch, professor of law at Georgetown University Law Center; and Professor Michael Gerhardt, scholar-in-residence at the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia.

Throughout the episode, the scholars discuss the legal and constitutional implications of the impeachment process, and reflect on the arguments put forward by both the Democrats and the Republicans. The guests also share their thoughts on the role of the media in shaping public opinion, and the importance of transparency and accountability in American politics.

Despite their differing viewpoints, the scholars agree that impeachment is a serious and complex process that should not be undertaken lightly. They debate the meaning of the term "high crimes and misdemeanors," which is the standard for impeachment, and its historical origins.

The guests also discuss the significance of the testimony given by various witnesses, including diplomats and national security officials, and whether it has had any impact on the public's perception of the impeachment proceedings. They analyze the credibility of the witnesses and consider how their testimonies could be used to build a case against the President.

As the conversation continues, Larry King asks the guests to reflect on the role of the President in American democracy, and how this fits into the broader political landscape. The guests share their thoughts on the separation of powers, the balance of power between the Executive and the Legislative branches, and the importance of upholding the rule of law.

Overall, Scholars Weigh-in On Impeachment; Did Their Testimony Change Anything? provides a thought-provoking and nuanced discussion of one of the most pressing political issues of our time. By bringing together a diverse range of experts, the episode offers viewers a comprehensive understanding of the impeachment process and its wider implications for American democracy.

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  • First Aired
    December 5, 2019
  • Content Rating
  • Language