Shirobako Season 1 Episode 24
Season 1

Ep 24. Die Auslieferung, die zu weit weg war

  • March 23, 2015
  • 24 min

As assistant director Kunogi struggles with various production dilemmas, a looming delivery deadline for the show's fourth episode becomes a growing concern. With only two days left before the deadline, the animators and staff are working on the final touches when they receive a call from a courier service, stating that their package has been delivered to the wrong address. Panic sets in as they frantically try to track down the package that contains the finished episode. Meanwhile, Aoi is approached by Honda, the former president of Musashino Animation, who has some news regarding the company's future. Aoi, who is now the production desk head, must deal with the consequences of Honda's announcement, which may impact the future of the company and put the project at risk. As the clock ticks down, the team must work together to solve these problems and deliver the episode on time. Will they be successful, or will their hard work go to waste? Find out in Shirobako season 1 episode 24, "Die Auslieferung, die zu weit weg war."

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  • First Aired
    March 23, 2015
  • Runtime
    24 min
  • Language