Suburgatory Season 2 Episode 16
Season 2

Ep 16. How to Be a Baby

  • March 6, 2013
  • 6.9  (133)

Tessa and Dalia are given a unique opportunity to care for an infant for their school's Home Economics class, but their parenting styles couldn't be more different. While Tessa approaches the situation with patience and a nurturing attitude, Dalia sees the baby as a fashion accessory, dressing it up in designer outfits and treating it like a doll.

As the two girls navigate their way through the challenges of caring for a newborn, they discover deep-seated issues in their own relationships with their mothers. Tessa struggles with her fear of becoming like her mom, while Dalia realizes that her own mother is more interested in her social status than in her well-being.

Meanwhile, George and Dallas are busy preparing for their upcoming nuptials, but their planning hits a snag when George's girlfriend, Zoe, returns to town and throws a wrench in their relationship. As George tries to sort out his feelings for both Dallas and Zoe, he must also deal with his daughter's new responsibilities as a parent.

As the episode unfolds, viewers are treated to a heartwarming story of how two very different girls come together over a shared experience. While Tessa and Dalia may have started off at odds with one another, they soon learn that their differences can be just as valuable as their similarities.

With its witty humor and relatable characters, Suburgatory season 2 episode 16 offers a fresh take on the challenges of growing up in a suburban community. From the ups and downs of teenage relationships to the joys and struggles of parenthood, this episode has something for everyone. So grab some popcorn and settle in for an entertaining and thought-provoking look at the world of Suburgatory.

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  • First Aired
    March 6, 2013
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    6.9  (133)