Survivorman Season 5 Episode 8
Season 5

Ep 8. Survivorman: Bigfoot - Radium Springs

  • April 16, 2014
  • 42 min

Survivorman: Bigfoot - Radium Springs is the eighth episode of the fifth season of the popular survival show, Survivorman, which features wilderness expert and filmmaker Les Stroud as he embarks on a solo survival journey in the most rugged and remote locations across the globe. In this particular episode, Stroud undertakes an extraordinary challenge as he sets out to explore the wilderness of Radium Springs in northern Georgia, which is known to be a hotspot for Bigfoot sightings.

With nothing but his bare hands, a camera, and a small pack of survival gear, Stroud enters the dense forests of Radium Springs, a place where few have dared to venture. His goal is to spend a week in the wilderness and evaluate the evidence supporting the existence of the elusive creature known as Bigfoot. Stroud is determined to put his survival skills to the ultimate test and investigate the mysterious sightings by carefully observing the environment and logging any unusual sounds and occurrences.

As he treks through the dense undergrowths and bodies of water, Stroud shares his knowledge of wilderness survival techniques, explaining how to construct shelter, find water, and forage for food. He notes the various types of plant life, their uses and medicinal properties, and how to navigate difficult terrain. The extreme weather conditions and treacherous landscape provide a formidable challenge for even the most seasoned survivalist, and Stroud must use all his training and expertise to overcome the obstacles and maintain his physical and mental well-being.

Stroud's mission in Radium Springs is not just about survival, but also about capturing solid evidence of Bigfoot's existence. Armed with a specialized camera, Stroud sets up various surveillance devices, from motion-triggered cameras to sound recording devices, and even a night vision camera. He analyzes the footage captured, looking for any possible clues that may confirm the presence of Bigfoot in the area. Stroud takes his investigation a step further by conducting a vocalization experiment, attempting to attract any nearby Bigfoot with recordings of Ohio howls.

Throughout the episode, Stroud's ongoing commentary about his experiences is both insightful and thought-provoking. With each turn in his journey, he provides viewers with detailed explanations about his mindset and methods, as well as fascinating insights into the natural world around him. Viewers will witness Stroud's boldness and courage, as well as his ability to pay attention to even the smallest of details to ensure his survival.

Survivorman: Bigfoot - Radium Springs is a gripping episode that showcases Stroud's exceptional skills and determination as a survivor and explorer. The stunning and rugged terrain, coupled with Stroud's expert narration, makes for a thrilling and suspenseful viewing experience. This episode is a must-watch for anyone who is interested in survival skills, wildlife, and the mysteries of the unknown.

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  • First Aired
    April 16, 2014
  • Runtime
    42 min
  • Language