Tensorflow Deep Learning Solutions for Images

Watch Tensorflow Deep Learning Solutions for Images

  • 2017
  • 1 Season

Tensorflow Deep Learning Solutions for Images is a comprehensive guide to deep learning solutions for image analysis using TensorFlow. The show introduces the fundamental concepts of deep learning and provides practical solutions for building image analysis models using TensorFlow.

The course is divided into nine chapters, each of which covers different aspects of deep learning for images. The first chapter gives an introduction to deep learning and TensorFlow, followed by a brief discussion on convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and transfer learning. The second chapter explains the process of preparing image data for training, including image preprocessing and data augmentation.

Chapter three covers the basics of image classification using CNNs, while chapter four delves deeper into the concept of transfer learning and how it can be implemented for image recognition tasks. The fifth chapter introduces object detection and localization using the YOLO (You Only Look Once) algorithm.

Chapter six focuses on semantic segmentation, where the objective is to classify each pixel in an image by the object it belongs to. This is followed by a discussion on instance segmentation, which aims to identify individual instances of multiple objects in an image. The eighth chapter explains the concept of generative models and how they can be used to create new images that look realistic.

The final chapter discusses deployment of deep learning models for image analysis in production environments. This includes optimization of the models for inference, deployment to cloud services, and using edge devices for real-time performance.

Throughout the course, practical examples and real-world use cases are provided to illustrate the concepts being discussed. The code examples are written in Python using the TensorFlow library, and the exercises provided at the end of each chapter challenge the viewer to apply the knowledge gained to solve similar problems.

One of the main benefits of this course is that it is designed to suit a wide range of experience levels. It starts with the basics of deep learning and gradually introduces concepts and techniques that are more advanced. This makes it an ideal course for beginners who are new to the field of deep learning, as well as for experienced practitioners who want to deepen their knowledge and skills in a specific area.

Another strength of the course is its focus on practical solutions for image analysis problems. The examples and use cases provided are relevant to real-world problems that businesses and organizations face today. This makes the course ideal for professionals who want to apply deep learning in their work, as well as for students who want to gain practical experience in this field.

The course is presented in a concise and easy-to-follow format, with clear explanations and step-by-step instructions. The videos are high-quality and professionally produced, which makes watching them an enjoyable experience. The exercises at the end of each chapter are challenging but manageable, which makes them a great way to reinforce the concepts learned.

Overall, TensorFlow Deep Learning Solutions for Images is a valuable resource for anyone who wants to learn how to apply deep learning techniques to image analysis problems. The course is well-structured, easy to follow and provides practical solutions that are relevant to real-world applications. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced practitioner, this course will give you the knowledge and skills you need to build deep learning models for image analysis.

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Making Predictions
24. Making Predictions
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How do we use our API to make digit predictions?
Trained Models in Docker Containers
23. Trained Models in Docker Containers
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How do we create a deployable REST service with a trained Keras model?
REST API Definition
22. REST API Definition
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How do we define an API for use with machine learning?
Deep Neural Network
21. Deep Neural Network
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What is a deep neural network compared to a classical or convolutional network?
Convolutional Neural Network
20. Convolutional Neural Network
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How do we create a convolutional network to learn to recognize images?
19. Pooling
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What is pooling, and why do we use it work convolutions?
18. Convolutions
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What are convolutions and why would we use them in networks?
Grid Search
17. Grid Search
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What is grid search and when do we use it in training networks?
16. Hyperparameters
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In this video, we will learn What are hyperparameters and parameters and we will also see a difference between them.
15. Solvers
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What are solvers and what is their role in networks?
Dropout and Flatten
14. Dropout and Flatten
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What are dropout and flatten layers and when do we use them in networks?
Training and Testing Data
13. Training and Testing Data
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What are training and testing data sets?
12. Softmax
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What is softmax, and where do we use it in networks?
Activation and Non Linearity
11. Activation and Non Linearity
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What is non-linearity and why does it matter for neural networks?
Classical/Dense Neural Network
10. Classical/Dense Neural Network
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What is the structure of a neural network?
Turning Categories into Tensors
9. Turning Categories into Tensors
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How to encode categories into tensors?
Tensors: Just Multidimensional Arrays
7. Tensors: Just Multidimensional Arrays
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MNIST Digits
6. MNIST Digits
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How to encode the images for machine learning?
Machine Learning REST Service
5. Machine Learning REST Service
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How to expose Jupyter as a machine learning REST service from your Docker container?
Sharing Data
4. Sharing Data
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The Machine Learning Dockerfile
3. The Machine Learning Dockerfile
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How to write a Dockerfile that configures the packages to get Keras running in a Docker container?
Installing Docker
2. Installing Docker
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How to download and install Docker on Linux and Windows?
The Course Overview
1. The Course Overview
October 9, 2017
This video provides an overview of the entire course.
  • Premiere Date
    October 9, 2017