The Annoying Orange Season 1 Episode 8

Ep 8. Ask Orange 8: Evil Robot Twin

  • 2 min

The Annoying Orange season 1 episode 8, titled "Ask Orange 8: Evil Robot Twin," is an animated comedy show that follows the adventures of a talking orange named Orange and his group of fruit friends. In this episode, Orange is visited by his evil robot twin brother, who wreaks havoc and causes chaos in the fruit stand.

The episode starts with Orange introducing himself to the audience and explaining that he will be answering questions from his fans in this episode. As he is going through the questions, he suddenly gets surprised by the arrival of his evil robot twin. The robot twin is an exact replica of Orange, except that he has a sinister expression on his face, and he is equipped with laser beams for eyes.

Orange is initially excited to see his robot twin and tries to show him around the fruit stand. However, it doesn't take long for the robot twin to reveal his true intentions. He starts causing trouble by throwing fruits around and shooting laser beams at everything in sight. He also starts mimicking Orange's every move, to the point where Orange starts feeling annoyed and frustrated.

As the episode progresses, Orange and his fruit friends try to come up with a plan to get rid of the evil robot twin. They try different methods, such as confusing the robot twin with a mirror or distracting him with a dance party, but nothing seems to work. The robot twin continues to cause chaos and destruction, and Orange and his friends are running out of ideas.

Finally, Orange comes up with a brilliant plan to defeat his evil robot twin. He challenges the robot twin to a basketball game and bets that if Orange wins, the robot twin must leave the fruit stand forever. The robot twin, being overconfident, accepts the challenge and the game begins.

The basketball game is intense and exciting, with both sides scoring multiple points. However, in the end, Orange manages to outsmart the robot twin and score the winning point. As per the bet, the robot twin leaves the fruit stand and never returns.

The episode ends with Orange receiving a final question from his fans, which he answers by saying that even the most annoying things can have a purpose and be useful in the right circumstances. The message of the episode is that even something as annoying as Orange's evil robot twin can be defeated with the power of friendship and smart thinking.

Overall, "Ask Orange 8: Evil Robot Twin" is a fun and entertaining episode of The Annoying Orange, filled with humor, action, and a valuable lesson. With its colorful animation, witty writing, and energetic performances, it's sure to entertain both kids and adults alike.

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  • Runtime
    2 min
  • Language