The Late Late Show with James Corden Season 6 Episode 48

Ep 48. The Late Late Show - 12/9/20 (Jamie Dornan; Dr. Michael Eric Dyson)

  • December 9, 2020

In season 6 episode 48 of The Late Late Show with James Corden, James Corden welcomes two special guests to the show, Jamie Dornan and Dr. Michael Eric Dyson.

Jamie Dornan is known for his roles in popular films and television shows such as the Fifty Shades of Grey series and The Fall. During his appearance on the show, Dornan chats with Corden about his latest projects, including the new psychological thriller series, The Tourist, which premiered on HBO Max. Dornan also discusses his experiences filming in Australia during the pandemic, and shares some amusing anecdotes from the set.

Following Dornan's segment, Corden welcomes author, scholar, and social commentator Dr. Michael Eric Dyson to the show. Dyson is a professor of Sociology at Georgetown University, and has written numerous books on race, politics, and culture. During his segment, Dyson and Corden discuss the current state of race relations in the United States, and share their perspectives on recent events such as the Black Lives Matter protests and the 2020 presidential election.

In addition to these interviews, the episode also features several comedy segments and musical performances. Corden showcases his signature humor in the show's popular recurring segments, such as "Spill Your Guts or Fill Your Guts" and "Crosswalk the Musical". The musical guest for this episode is TBD, but viewers can expect a lively and energetic performance from an up-and-coming artist.

Overall, season 6 episode 48 of The Late Late Show with James Corden is a must-watch for fans of the show, as well as anyone interested in current events and pop culture. With its blend of engaging interviews, hilarious comedy, and electrifying musical performances, this episode is sure to entertain viewers and leave them eager for more.

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  • First Aired
    December 9, 2020
  • Language