WE Day Season 2 Episode 1
WE Day
Season 2

Ep 1. WE Day 2017

  • TV-G
  • August 4, 2017
  • 55 min

WE Day season 2 episode 1 is titled WE Day 2017, and it captures the electric energy of the annual WE Day event, which brings tens of thousands of young people together to celebrate their commitment to making a difference in their communities and around the world. Filmed in Toronto, the episode is a heartwarming and inspiring look at the power of youth activism and the importance of doing good in the world.

Throughout the episode, viewers will see a cast of passionate and driven young people taking the stage to share their stories of activism and inspire others to get involved. They'll hear from speakers like Spencer West, a motivational speaker who lost his legs at the age of five and has since climbed Mount Kilimanjaro and is an ambassador for WE Charity, and Hannah Alper, a young activist who has spoken at the United Nations and launched her own environmentalism-focused blog.

In addition to these powerful speakers, WE Day 2017 will feature a variety of musical performances, from pop stars like Demi Lovato and Kelly Clarkson to up-and-coming artists like Alessia Cara and Hedley. Viewers will be treated to exciting and high-energy performances that will get them on their feet and dancing along.

Of course, at the heart of WE Day is the idea that young people can make a difference in the world, and viewers will see plenty of inspiring examples of this throughout the episode. From elementary school students launching anti-bullying campaigns to high schoolers raising funds for clean water initiatives, these young people are proof that even the smallest actions can have a big impact. WE Day 2017 will leave viewers feeling empowered and inspired to get involved in causes they care about.

WE Day is more than just an event, however; it's part of a larger movement to create positive change in the world. As part of this movement, viewers will see the incredible work of WE Charity, which works to empower communities around the world through education, health care, and sustainable development. By providing young people with opportunities to get involved in meaningful service projects, WE Charity is helping to create a generation of compassionate and engaged global citizens.

Overall, WE Day season 2 episode 1 is a powerful and uplifting celebration of youth activism and social change. With its mix of inspiring speakers, high-energy performances, and stories of young people making a difference, this episode is sure to leave viewers feeling motivated to create positive change in their own communities. Whether you're a fan of music, activism, or just want to be inspired by young people working to make a difference, WE Day 2017 is a can't-miss event.

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  • First Aired
    August 4, 2017
  • Content Rating
  • Runtime
    55 min
  • Language