Who Is the Holy Spirit?

Watch Who Is the Holy Spirit?

  • 1969
  • 1 Season

Who Is the Holy Spirit? is a six-part series from Ligonier Ministries that explores the Third Person of the Trinity in-depth. The show delves into the nature of the Holy Spirit, His work in the world, and how He relates to believers. Led by Dr. R.C. Sproul, a noted theologian and author, the series begins by examining the biblical foundations of the Holy Spirit's identity. The show then moves on to explore major historical debates surrounding the Holy Spirit, such as the Filioque controversy, in which the Eastern and Western Christian churches differ on how the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father and the Son. Interviews with experts in the fields of biblical studies, church history, and theology help to shed light on these complex topics.

In addition to covering essential topics such as the Holy Spirit's role in salvation and His indwelling of believers, Who Is the Holy Spirit? also touches on practical aspects of the Holy Spirit's work. The series includes a discussion of spiritual gifts and how they are meant to operate within the church. This section also tackles common misconceptions about the gifts and how to distinguish between genuine gifts of the Spirit and counterfeit manifestations.

Throughout the show, Dr. Sproul engages with Scriptures as well as theological concepts to provide viewers with a comprehensive understanding of the Holy Spirit. The series also features personal anecdotes and insights from Dr. Sproul, who shares his own experiences with the Holy Spirit and how those encounters have shaped his theology.

The final episode of the series focuses on the Holy Spirit's role in sanctification, or the process by which believers are transformed to be more like Christ. Dr. Sproul explains how the Holy Spirit empowers believers to resist sin and live lives that are pleasing to God. This section includes practical tips for nurturing a life of holiness and engaging with the Holy Spirit in daily life.

Who Is the Holy Spirit? is a thought-provoking series that will appeal to Christians of all denominations who desire a deeper understanding of the Holy Spirit. Whether you are a seasoned theologian or simply curious about the nature of God, this series offers valuable insights into the central role of the Holy Spirit in Christian theology and practice.

Overall, the show is well-researched, grounded in Scripture, and presented in an engaging and accessible manner. With its focus on major theological concepts as well as practical applications, Who Is the Holy Spirit? is a valuable resource for anyone seeking to grow in their knowledge and understanding of the Holy Spirit.

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The Spirit of Sonship
12. The Spirit of Sonship
March 25, 2012
In times of great sorrow and need, the child of God can cry out to Him with confidence that He desires their supplication. In the final part of this series, Sinclair Ferguson shows how the children of God have this privileged access on account of the work of the Holy Spirit, bringing us from the darkness into the light and conforming us to the image of our perfect elder brother, Jesus.
The Inward Groan
11. The Inward Groan
March 25, 2012
All Christians face the tension between the promise of complete, permanent restoration and the present state of struggle with sin. In the eleventh part of this series, Sinclair Ferguson shows how, by the grace of God, the Holy Spirit works on our behalf to transform us into the image of Christ and to assist us in our moral weaknesses.
Walking in the Spirit
10. Walking in the Spirit
March 25, 2012
The Spirit has many characteristics, He is our comforter, advocate, and the one who regenerates our hearts. Yet we often forget His very title: the Spirit is the Holy Spirit. In the tenth part of this series, Sinclair Ferguson reminds us that the Spirit of Jesus aids believers in their sanctification and their growth in the image of our holy Savior.
A Heavenly Helper
9. A Heavenly Helper
March 25, 2012
While we await the return of Christ, we are comforted by our Heavenly Helper, The Holy Spirit. In the ninth part of this series, Sinclair Ferguson explains that we see Christ clearly now because His companion, His Spirit, resides within us.
A Heavenly Birth
8. A Heavenly Birth
March 25, 2012
For those who stand outside of faith, the message of the gospel may appear burdensome and shackling. Yet, this could not be farther from the truth. In the eighth part of this series, Sinclair Ferguson discusses how the regeneration of the Spirit liberates believers to turn their affections to Christ and receive true fulfillment when their hearts are turned and they put their faith in Him.
Rivers of Living Water
7. Rivers of Living Water
March 25, 2012
Under the old covenant, believers had enough of the Spirit for faith and worship, but they lacked the fullness of His presence that believers experience today. Jesus promised this blessing would come, and He fulfilled His promise at Pentecost. In the seventh part of this series, Sinclair Ferguson walks us through this unique event at which Christ poured out His Spirit in rivers of living water.
The Sustainer
6. The Sustainer
March 25, 2012
The picture of Jesus on the cross at Calvary is the loneliest portrait of a man in the history of the world. In the sixth part of this series, Sinclair Ferguson demonstrates that as Jesus incurred the wrath of His Father as he bore the sins of the world, the Holy Spirit sustained him and preserved Him just as He had done from the moment of Christ's conception.
Trinitarian Fellowship
5. Trinitarian Fellowship
March 25, 2012
Companionship plays a large role in all our lives. It is wonderful to have those in life with whom you can reveal the inner workings of your heart. In the fifth part of this series, Sinclair Ferguson looks at the manner in which the Father, Son, and Spirit experience this mutual love, openness, and adoration in a manner that cannot be replicated.
Order from Chaos
4. Order from Chaos
March 25, 2012
For many Christians today, although they are aware of the Holy Spirit, they do not really know who He is. In the first part of this series, Sinclair Ferguson explores the questions of the identity of the Spirit, the nature of His character, how we, as Christians, may come to know and have fellowship with Him, and more.
Dwelling Within
3. Dwelling Within
March 25, 2012
Jesus' temptations endured in the wilderness are remarkable accounts of His righteous fortitude in the most trying conditions. Jesus succeeded where the first Adam failed. In the fourth part of this series, Sinclair Ferguson reveals that Jesus did not undergo these trials alone, but was supported by His companion, the Holy Spirit.
The Spirit of the Lord
2. The Spirit of the Lord
March 25, 2012
It is tempting to understand the Spirit as an impersonal force fulfilling the purposes of God mechanically. However, the Scriptures portray the Spirit as anything but impersonal. In the third part of this series, Sinclair Ferguson helps us to realize that our wonder should increase as we consider Jesus' role in sending His Spirit, His companion and friend, to dwell with us.
The Face of God
1. The Face of God
March 25, 2012
Many people have sadly misunderstood the nature of God and claimed that the God of the Old Testament is not the same as that of the New Testament. In the second part of this series, Sinclair Ferguson demonstrates that throughout the Old Testament the Spirit disclosed the personal nature of our Lord to His people while pointing forward to the coming of Jesus Christ.