Cosh Boy

Watch Cosh Boy

  • Approved
  • 1953
  • 1 hr 15 min
  • 6.1  (503)

Cosh Boy is a landmark film from 1953. It is a British drama movie that closely examines the life of a troubled youth named Roy Walsh. This film primarily focuses on the criminal activities and troubled upbringing of Roy, played brilliantly by James Kenney. The movie shows how Roy, who is portrayed as a quintessential juvenile delinquent, falls into a life of petty crime and a love triangle ensues.

Joan Collins plays Rene Collins, the love interest of both Roy and one of his buddies, Alfie. She is the pretty young girl who captures the attention of both boys, which fuels some of the violence that occurs later in the movie. Betty Ann Davies plays Miss Banks, a teacher at the school Roy once attended, who thinks highly of Roy and tries to help him get back on the right track.

The movie explores the themes of crime, punishment, love, and redemption in a striking and unforgettable way. It was one of the first films in the UK to receive an X-rating, classifying it as highly controversial and for adults only.

The opening scene of the movie finds Roy assaulting a man and stealing his wallet. From here on, the movie follows Roy's life as he attempts to avoid the law and earn a living through criminal means. He frequents pubs with his gang, boasting about his exploits, which mostly consists of muggings and small-time hustles. Roy’s father is a petty crook, and his mother is an alcoholic, which offers a glimpse into his troubled upbringing.

Roy is an impressionable young man and is easily manipulated by his peers. He allows himself to be influenced by others, which leads him to commit several violent and criminal acts throughout the movie. As the movie progresses, he becomes increasingly ruthless and violent, alienating himself from his former friends and family. The tension in the movie builds as the police close in on him, and his love triangle with Rene and Alfie reaches a breaking point.

The film's soundtrack is noteworthy for its lively jazz score, which adds to the film's atmosphere, giving it a feel of a lively and vibrant urban community. The music works perfectly in contrast to the often bleak tone of the film.

Given the film's controversial subject matter, it is not surprising that the performances are raw, gritty, and authentic. James Kenney's performance as Roy is masterful. He brings a believability to the role that makes the audience sympathetic to his character, regardless of his antisocial behavior. The director, Lewis Gilbert, skillfully uses striking camera angles to create a tension-filled atmosphere, making the audience feel as though they are a part of Roy's world.

The film's conclusion is not entirely unexpected, yet it packs a punch that is unforgettable. The ending is quite grim, but it has an emotional resonance that will stay with the audience long after the movie is over. Cosh Boy is an iconic film that examines the criminal activities of Britain's youth culture in the 1950s. It is a must-see for anyone interested in the history of youth culture, and it remains one of the most influential British crime movies ever made.

To sum it up, Cosh Boy is a gritty and dark examination of the criminal activities of Britain's youth culture in the 1950s. The performances of the actors are authentic, raw, and gripping. The soundtrack is fantastic and adds to the atmosphere. The movie's ending is an emotional punch that stays with the audience long after the film is over. Cosh Boy is a must-see for anyone interested in the history of youth culture and British crime movies.

Cosh Boy
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  • Release Date
  • MPAA Rating
  • Runtime
    1 hr 15 min
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    6.1  (503)