A Football Life Season 3 Episode 17
A Football Life
Season 3

Ep 17. Vince Lombardi (1)

  • December 24, 2013

The show 'A Football Life' is a documentary series that features the stories of legendary NFL figures and explores their contributions to the sport. In season 3 episode 17, we delve into the first part of the two-part special on Vince Lombardi, the renowned coach who turned the Green Bay Packers into one of the greatest teams in NFL history.

Vince Lombardi's life and career are explored in-depth in this episode, starting with his childhood in Brooklyn, New York. Lombardi's father, Enrico Lombardi, was a proud Italian immigrant who instilled a sense of discipline and commitment in his children. Vince was a star football player in high school but initially pursued a career in law, attending St. Francis College and then Fordham University.

However, Lombardi's true passion was football, and he eventually found his way into coaching. He started as an assistant coach at Fordham and then moved on to work at a variety of different schools and teams, including West Point, the New York Giants, and the Green Bay Packers.

The episode explores Lombardi's coaching philosophy, which was characterized by a fierce dedication to hard work and discipline. Lombardi was known for his stern demeanor and his ability to motivate his players to perform at their best. He was also a deeply religious man who saw football as a way of expressing his faith.

The episode takes us through Lombardi's time as the offensive coach for the New York Giants in the 1950s, where he helped turn the team's struggling offense into a powerhouse. Lombardi's success caught the attention of the Green Bay Packers, who hired him as head coach in 1959.

Lombardi's arrival in Green Bay was met with skepticism from some fans and journalists, but he quickly won them over with his no-nonsense approach and his dedication to winning. The team was struggling when Lombardi took over, but he quickly turned things around, leading the Packers to five championships in seven years, including the first two Super Bowl titles.

The episode features interviews with several former players and colleagues of Lombardi, who speak to his impact on the game of football and his legacy as one of the greatest coaches of all time. We hear from Bart Starr, the quarterback who led the Packers to victory in the first two Super Bowls; Paul Hornung, the legendary running back who played for Lombardi in Green Bay; and Steve Sabol, the late president of NFL Films.

Throughout the episode, we see footage of Lombardi on the sidelines, delivering his famous speeches and motivating his players to greatness. We also see behind-the-scenes footage of Lombardi's life off the field, including his close relationship with his wife, Marie.

Overall, this episode of 'A Football Life' is a fascinating look at one of the most influential figures in NFL history. Lombardi's impact on the game cannot be overstated, and this episode does a great job of exploring his life and career in-depth. Fans of football history will definitely want to tune in to see this special two-part episode.

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  • First Aired
    December 24, 2013
  • Language