ABC News Specials Season 1 Episode 24

Ep 24. Haiti: One Year Later

  • Not Rated
  • January 12, 2011

One year after the catastrophic earthquake that hit Haiti in 2010, ABC News is back on the ground to assess the progress of reconstruction efforts and to report on the challenges that still lie ahead. In this special episode, the ABC News team interviews survivors, aid workers, government officials, and experts to get an in-depth look at the state of the nation and to shed light on the many issues affecting the Haitian people.

Through powerful footage and personal accounts, viewers will see firsthand the devastating impact of the earthquake and the massive scale of destruction that it caused. They will learn about the heroic efforts of rescue workers and volunteers who worked around the clock to save lives and provide support to those affected by the disaster. The episode also reveals some of the less well-known aspects of the aftermath, such as the long-term effects of the disaster on mental health, social structures, and economic development.

With a focus on the progress of reconstruction efforts, the ABC News team shows how much has been achieved in rebuilding houses, schools, hospitals, and infrastructure. But they also report on the many obstacles that still confront the Haitian people, such as corruption, political instability, and ongoing humanitarian crises. The episode interviews leaders of international aid organizations, who share their perspectives on the effectiveness of aid delivery and on the challenges of balancing short-term relief with long-term development goals.

Throughout the episode, viewers will hear from Haitian citizens who have been directly impacted by the earthquake and its aftermath. These include survivors who have lost loved ones, entrepreneurs who are struggling to rebuild their businesses, and activists who are fighting for justice and reforms in their communities. These personal testimonies provide a powerful and intimate look into the heart of the Haitian experience and help to contextualize the broader issues affecting the nation.

Ultimately, this episode of ABC News Specials provides a nuanced and comprehensive look into the aftermath of the Haiti earthquake, one year after the disaster. With compassion, insight, and a critical eye, the ABC News team provides viewers with a rich and engaging portrait of the people and challenges behind one of the most devastating natural disasters of our time.

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  • First Aired
    January 12, 2011
  • Content Rating
    Not Rated
  • Language