Aishiteruze Baby Season 1 Episode 3
Aishiteruze Baby
Season 1

Ep 3. Where's Mama

  • April 17, 2004

In Aishiteruze Baby Season 1 Episode 3 titled "Where's Mama," Kippei finds himself struggling to take care of Yuzuyu, his five-year-old cousin, while also attending school and juggling other responsibilities. Yuzuyu's mother, who has been missing for some time, still hasn't returned, leaving Kippei in charge of the little girl's well-being.

The episode sees Kippei doing his best to keep Yuzuyu happy, fed, and entertained, all while he struggles to keep up with the demands of his teenage life. Taking care of a child is not only difficult, but also new to him, which makes it all the more challenging.

However, Kippei is determined to be a good caregiver to Yuzuyu and, as the episode progresses, he starts to become more proactive in his role. He begins to notice things about her that he never noticed before, like how she always wakes up early and how she can't sleep without her bear stuffed toy.

Kippei's growing attentiveness to Yuzuyu also reveals some of the challenges the pair will face in the future. For one, Yuzuyu is a fussy eater, and while Kippei tries his best to prepare meals for her, he struggles to find anything that she will eat apart from bread and other bakery items. This makes it difficult for him to keep her fed and healthy.

Another challenge is how to manage Yuzuyu's school life. While Yuzuyu loves going to school, Kippei has to figure out how to balance her school time with his own. This is made especially difficult when Yuzuyu becomes sick and has to miss school, adding another layer of responsibility to Kippei's already hectic life.

Despite these challenges, Kippei continues to rise to the occasion, determined to be the best caregiver he can be for his cousin. Along the way, he gets some help from some unexpected sources, like his classmates who offer to help him with his homework and even cook meals for Yuzuyu.

The episode concludes with Kippei receiving some concerning news about Yuzuyu's mother, which leaves him feeling uncertain about the future. Despite this, he is determined to keep his promise to Yuzuyu and to be the best caregiver he can be for her, no matter what the future holds.

Overall, "Where's Mama" is a heartwarming episode that showcases the bond between Kippei and Yuzuyu. It highlights the challenges of taking care of a child, especially for someone like Kippei who is still learning the ropes. Yet, it also shows the power of love and determination, as Kippei continues to grow and improve as a caregiver.

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  • First Aired
    April 17, 2004
  • Language