American Chopper: Senior vs. Junior Season 2 Episode 4

Ep 4. Offer Denied

  • TV-PG
  • May 16, 2011
  • 43 min

Paul Jr. and Sr. are back in the shop for another season of American Chopper: Senior vs. Junior. In this episode, Offer Denied, tensions are high as the two father-son teams continue their long-standing feud over their family business.

Paul Jr. is still trying to establish himself as a serious designer and businessman, while his father is adamant about maintaining control over the company he founded. The episode begins with Paul Jr. receiving an offer to purchase a custom bike he designed, but Senior immediately shoots it down. This sets off a heated argument between the two, ending with Junior storming out of the shop.

As the episode progresses, we learn more about the root of these conflicts between the two. Junior feels like he was unfairly pushed out of the company by Senior, while Senior feels like Junior is trying to steal the brand out from under him. The tension is only exacerbated by the fact that they are both passionate, headstrong individuals who refuse to back down from a fight.

In the midst of all this drama, the team at Paul Jr. Designs is hard at work building custom bikes for various clients. One of the most intriguing projects they take on is a bike designed for a company that makes underwater excavation equipment. The bike must be waterproof and capable of driving into a body of water to rescue equipment that has fallen to the bottom.

Meanwhile, Senior is hard at work on his own projects, attempting to prove that he is still the master builder of the family. He decides to construct a replica of the iconic Black Widow spider motorcycle, which he designed and built years ago. This proves to be a huge challenge, as the original bike was lost many years ago and he must rely on his memory to recreate it.

As the episode draws to a close, we see the two teams working on their respective projects, each trying to outdo the other. Despite their differences, there is a sense that both father and son are passionate about what they do and are unwilling to let anyone else take control of their vision.

The tension between the two does not dissipate by the end of the episode, and it seems like the feud between Paul Jr. and Senior is far from over. However, we do get a sense that maybe, just maybe, the two can find a way to work together in the future and create something truly great. After all, they are both talented and passionate builders, and when they put their differences aside, they can create some truly spectacular machines.

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  • First Aired
    May 16, 2011
  • Content Rating
  • Runtime
    43 min
  • Language