Austin City Limits Season 34 Episode 6
Austin City Limits
Season 34

Ep 6. Sharon Jones and the Dap Kings/Carolyn Wonderland

  • November 8, 2008

In the sixth episode of Austin City Limits' thirty-fourth season, viewers are treated to a night of soulful music from two powerhouse performers: Sharon Jones and the Dap Kings, and Carolyn Wonderland.

Sharon Jones and the Dap Kings, known for their authentic sound and dynamic live shows, take the stage first. Jones, a former corrections officer turned soul singer, leads the band with her powerful vocals and infectious energy. Backed by the tight-knit Dap Kings, who evoke the sounds of classic soul and funk with their horn section and rhythm section, Jones delivers a set of hits from their catalog such as "100 Days, 100 Nights" and "Stranger to My Happiness."

The audience is on its feet, dancing and singing along as Jones belts out each note with passion and intensity. The band's chemistry is undeniable, with each member contributing to the overall sound and vibe of the performance. The show reaches its peak when Sharon Jones leads the crowd in a call-and-response chant, bringing everyone together and creating a sense of communal joy.

After a brief intermission, the audience is treated to the blues rock stylings of Carolyn Wonderland. A native of Houston, Texas, Wonderland is a guitar virtuoso with a voice that can simultaneously evoke the bluesy growl of Janis Joplin and the sweet tones of Bonnie Raitt. Backed by her band, including an electrifying drummer and a funky bassist, Wonderland delivers a set of original songs such as "Bad to the Bone" and "Come Together" as well as a cover of Bobby Gentry's "Ode to Billie Joe."

Wonderland's electrifying guitar playing is truly a highlight of the show; she shreds with precision and soul, making the audience cheer for more. Her vocals are equally impressive, delivering lyrics of heartbreak and hope with a raw and honest power. The set ends with a rousing rendition of "Castles Made of Sand" by Jimi Hendrix, leaving the crowd energized and craving more.

Throughout the episode, viewers can feel the energy of the live crowd and the connection between the performers and the audience. It's clear that Sharon Jones and the Dap Kings and Carolyn Wonderland are no ordinary performers; they are true artists, using their talents to connect with the emotions of their listeners and create an electric atmosphere that will be remembered long after the show has ended.

Overall, the sixth episode of Austin City Limits' thirty-fourth season is a standout night of music that will leave viewers tapping their toes and feeling uplifted. Sharon Jones and the Dap Kings and Carolyn Wonderland are two performers that are not to be missed, and this episode captures their talent and charm in all their glory.

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  • First Aired
    November 8, 2008
  • Language