Cracked Rant

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  • 2017
  • 1 Season

Cracked staffers divulge various topics by giving you all the details and going on a... rant.

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6 Bizarrely Specific Commercial Tropes That Need to Die
8. 6 Bizarrely Specific Commercial Tropes That Need to Die
November 25, 2017
It's Christmas Shopping season, which means commercials will be out in full force. But, let's just stop and think for a minute about the complete nonsense world a lot of TV ads are set in, okay?
Why PETA Is Actually Terrible
7. Why PETA Is Actually Terrible
November 15, 2017
This Thanksgiving, even if you're opting for the vegan turkey substitute, take a moment of quiet reflection to recognize: PETA is pretty terrible.
The United States Congress Is Pretty Terrible
6. The United States Congress Is Pretty Terrible
November 8, 2017
In honor of the first Tuesday following the First Monday of November (AKA election day), we're presenting this lament on the current state of United States Congress. Hint: it's not good.
How America Accidentally Invented The Nazis
5. How America Accidentally Invented The Nazis
November 1, 2017
American History was totally our favorite subject in school. Americans invented so many things: Lightbulbs, Sea Monkeys, Beyonce.... And all of those Nazi laws. But we're also really good at punching Nazis. Go U.S.A.
Disney Princes Set Unhealthy Expectations For Boys
4. Disney Princes Set Unhealthy Expectations For Boys
October 21, 2017
While everyone focuses on how most Disney Princesses are terrible role models for girls (because they are), lost in the mix is the fact that most Disney Princes also set unrealistic standards for what man should be and how he should act.
The Unfortunate Truth About The Civil War
3. The Unfortunate Truth About The Civil War
October 11, 2017
Since VH-1 discontinued their 'I Love the ...' series before they got around to the 1860s, a lot of us are walking around with Civil War misinformation firmly wired in our brains.
Hispanic Heritage Month Is Confusing (And That's Okay!)
2. Hispanic Heritage Month Is Confusing (And That's Okay!)
October 4, 2017
It's Hispanic Heritage Month. Or actually months, because it starts in September and ends in October. And surprisingly, that's the least confusing part of recognizing Hispanic contributions to our country.
Why We Need To Be Talking About American Tail
1. Why We Need To Be Talking About American Tail
September 13, 2017
One of the most important animated movies of all time predates Pixar by a good couple of decades. No, it's a cartoon mouse movie directed by the guy who did the creepy murder doll films.
  • Premiere Date
    September 13, 2017