Degrassi: The Next Generation Season 1 Episode 10

Ep 10. Rumours and Reputations

  • TV-PG
  • January 6, 2002
  • 22 min
  • 7.1  (230)

In "Rumours and Reputations," the tenth episode of "Degrassi: The Next Generation's" first season, the students at Degrassi Community School find themselves caught up in a web of gossip and unfounded accusations. As the episode opens, we see the school buzzing with rumours about the supposedly romantic relationship between two students - popular jock Spinner and quiet, bookish Ashley. Despite explicit denials from both Spinner and Ashley that they are more than just friends, the rumour mill continues to swirl, and soon the whole school is talking about their supposed secret relationship.

Meanwhile, Emma, the earnest and idealistic daughter of Degrassi alum Spike, is facing her own set of reputational challenges. She is determined to make her voice heard on the school's environmental committee, but finds herself at odds with the popular students who advocate for more environmentally destructive practices. Emma's commitment to her values and her refusal to back down in the face of social pressure ultimately lead her to take a bold and unexpected action that could alienate her from her friends and peers.

As the episode progresses, we see how the power of rumours and appearances can shape the way people are perceived and treated in the world. Spinner, for example, finds himself ostracized by his former friends and teammates once the rumours about him and Ashley start to spread. Despite his protestations that there is nothing going on between them, few people are willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. Similarly, Emma finds herself derided and isolated by her peers when she takes action on the environmental committee that goes against the popular consensus.

Ultimately, "Rumours and Reputations" is a cautionary tale about the dangers of spreading unverified information and basing our opinions of others on superficial or erroneous information. It demonstrates the power of the grapevine to shape people's reputations and influence their lives in unexpected and often troubling ways. Through the experiences of characters like Spinner and Emma, we are reminded of the need to be vigilant about the information we consume and the messages we send to others, lest we find ourselves on the receiving end of a damaging rumour or damaging reputational attack.

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  • First Aired
    January 6, 2002
  • Content Rating
  • Runtime
    22 min
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    7.1  (230)