Doctor Who (1963) Season 16 Episode 18
Doctor Who (1963)
Season 16

Ep 18. The Power of Kroll (2)

  • December 30, 1978
  • 6.6  (416)

The Doctor and his companions find themselves caught in the middle of a conflict between a group of smugglers and a tribe of swamp-dwelling natives on the planet Delta III. The smugglers are after a valuable mineral called "pilotite," which is found only in the swamps, but the natives worship a god called Kroll, who they believe will protect the pilotite from those who would misuse it.

The Doctor, Romana, and K9 team up with the natives to try to prevent the smugglers from getting their hands on the pilotite, but they soon realize that Kroll's power may be more than just a myth. As tensions rise and the situation becomes more dangerous, the Doctor must use all of his wit and bravery to outsmart his enemies and protect the people of Delta III.

Meanwhile, the Doctor's companion Leela is kidnapped by the smugglers and taken aboard their ship, where she discovers a sinister plot to harness the power of Kroll for their own purposes. With the help of a rogue smuggler named Rohm Dutt, Leela must find a way to stop the smugglers before it's too late.

As the situation on Delta III reaches a boiling point, the Doctor finally comes face to face with Kroll himself, a terrifying creature that may be more than just a myth after all. With the fate of the planet hanging in the balance, the Doctor must use all of his knowledge and cunning to defeat Kroll and save the people of Delta III from destruction.

Filled with action, adventure, and suspense, "The Power of Kroll (2)" is an exciting episode of Doctor Who that will keep fans on the edge of their seats from start to finish. With clever writing, strong performances, and stunning visual effects, this episode is a must-see for fans of the classic sci-fi series.

Watch Doctor Who (1963) - The Power of Kroll (2) (s16 e18) Online - Watch online anytime: Buy, Rent
Doctor Who (1963), Season 16 Episode 18, is available to watch and stream on BBC One. You can also buy, rent Doctor Who (1963) on demand at Apple TV Channels, Apple TV online.
  • First Aired
    December 30, 1978
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    6.6  (416)