El Internado

Watch El Internado

  • 2007
  • 7 Seasons
  • 8.1  (5,804)

El Internado is a Spanish television series that aired on Antena 3 for seven seasons from 2007 to 2010, following the story of a group of teenagers trapped in a mysterious boarding school in the forest. Ana de Armas, Elena Furiase, and Luis Merlo lead the cast of the show, playing the role of students at the Laguna Negra school, an old building with a dark past that hides many secrets.

Throughout the series, many strange events occur around the school, including ghost sightings, disappearances, and even murder cases. The students must deal with these mysteries while struggling to survive the strict rules and punishments of the school's administrators.

The show often delves into the history of the Laguna Negra school and the secrets that its founders have kept hidden for generations. The students uncover clues that lead to a dangerous game of cat and mouse as they try to avoid danger and get to the bottom of the school's mysterious past.

One of the strengths of El Internado is the diverse and interesting cast of characters. From the studious and determined Paula (Elena Furiase) to the rebellious and impulsive Marcos (Martín Rivas), each character brings a unique perspective and personality that keeps viewers engaged with their struggles.

The show also features well-crafted plot twists and cliffhangers that keep the audience on the edge of their seats. The unexpected turns that the story takes keep the show fresh and exciting, even as the students face the same challenges day after day.

Visually, El Internado is a stunning show. The Laguna Negra school is a beautiful and eerie setting, with its dark halls and shadowy corners adding to the show's atmosphere of mystery and intrigue. The wide shots of the forest surrounding the school add to the feeling of isolation and danger that the students face.

Overall, El Internado is a gripping and captivating show that will keep viewers coming back for more - whether they're interested in the supernatural elements, the character-driven drama, or the visual splendor of the series.

Fans of the show can watch El Internado online to relive the suspenseful and haunting story of the Laguna Negra school and its students.

El Internado is a series that is currently running and has 7 seasons (75 episodes). The series first aired on May 24, 2007.

El Internado
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El Fin
15. El Fin
October 13, 2010
The students and staff attempt to escape the school campus via the tunnels, unaware that the colonel is being kept informed of their plans.
La Luz
14. La Luz
October 11, 2010
Paula is rendered mute by a traumatic incident, but after regaining her ability to speak, she shares some surprising information.
El ?ltimo Aliento
13. El ?ltimo Aliento
October 4, 2010
Lucas confesses his true feelings during a game of truth or dare. Meanwhile, Fermín and Rebeca manage to sneak into the military camp.
Hasta Que La Muerte Nos Separe
12. Hasta Que La Muerte Nos Separe
September 27, 2010
The grim atmosphere at the school is brightened briefly by a wonderful surprise. But the situation turns tense when Lucía's loyalties are tested.
Los ?ltimos Recuerdos
11. Los ?ltimos Recuerdos
September 20, 2010
Ferm?n ha pisado una de las minas antipersona con las que el ej?rcito ha rodeado el colegio y que ya se han cobrado su primera v?ctima: Curro. Cuando Hugo y el coronel se enteran de lo sucedido lo ven claro: es la oportunidad perfecta para acabar con el cocinero de una vez por todas. Mientras Hugo y sus compinches planean c?mo matar a Ferm?n, Rebeca est? intentando encontrar la forma de salvarle. ?Quión llegar? antes? Lucas ha tenido uno de sus sue?os premonitorios pero sabe que esta vez es imposible que se cumpla, ya que ha so?ado con H?ctor y muri? hace semanas. Mart?n, que sabe que el exdirector est? vivo, palidece al escuchar a su hijo, que asegura que en su sue?o H?ctor estaba junto a un monstruo cubierto de sangre. Est? donde est?, H?ctor puede correr en estos momentos un grave peligro. Luc?a cree que sac?ndole sangre a Paula puede obtener una cura para el virus. Aunque no cuenta con la aprobación de Marcos, finalmente Elsa ha cedido a la presión de sus compa?eros y, como tutora legal de la peque?a, ha accedido a que le saquen sangre. Evelyn no entiende por qu? de repente prestan tanta atención a Paula y la colman de atenciones, bollos y chucher?as, as? que la convence de que no debe comer tanto para no engordar. La peque?a Paula empieza a acusar los efectos de su dieta improvisada. La atracción que existe entre Amaia y Mart?n es evidente para todos pero deben luchar contra lo que sienten si no quieren que la joven se contagie. Por su parte, Julia, que ya sabe que Iv?n est? perdiendo la memoria, ha decidido hacer lo que haga falta para volver con ?l. Decide grabarle un v?deo en su ordenador cont?ndole lo que siente. Lo que no sospechan los chicos es que, gracias a ese v?deo, descubrir?n que Ottox todav?a tiene un infiltrado dentro del colegio.
La ?ltima Dosis (Final)
10. La ?ltima Dosis (Final)
September 13, 2010
The friends realize the grim fate that awaits them when the soldiers guarding the school capture the mystery man and place mines at the perimeter.
El Principio del Fin
9. El Principio del Fin
September 6, 2010
Mientras la enfermedad se expande sin control por el colegio, algunos de sus habitantes asisten desolados al rudimentario entierro de Amelia. Sin familiares que se despidan de ella, incomunicados y sin poder dar parte a las autoridades, la profesora de los m?s peque?os es enterrada en el bosque en una r?stica caja de madera. Un escalofriante presentimiento recorre a todos los presentes en la l?gubre ceremonia: ?acabar?n todos igual?
El ?ltimo Deseo
8. El ?ltimo Deseo
July 21, 2010
Hugo escapes from the school campus. Those left behind are forced to pin their hopes on another solution to the epidemic.
El Asesino de Carolina
7. El Asesino de Carolina
July 14, 2010
The friends finally learn all of the details of what happened to Carolina after she disappeared, and who was responsible for it.
Los Tres P?talos
6. Los Tres P?talos
July 7, 2010
As the Ottox virus continues to expand out of control, it becomes apparent that someone is trying to kill Hugo.
El Centro de la Tierra
5. El Centro de la Tierra
June 30, 2010
Lucía's life is put in jeopardy, but the soldiers surrounding the school won't send help. Martín hides Lucas in the attic when he becomes infected.
El Tesoro
4. El Tesoro
June 23, 2010
Marcos and his friends try to track down the man who appeared in their dreams. There's a glimmer of hope that Héctor might still be alive.
El Hombre Misterioso
3. El Hombre Misterioso
June 16, 2010
Vicky's troubling nightmare grows more disturbing when Marcos says he had the same one the night before. Hugo and Rebeca are trapped in the tunnels.
La Amenaza
2. La Amenaza
June 10, 2010
As the Ottox virus outbreak expands outside the school, authorities realize that they desperately need the cache of medicine in the collapsed tunnels.
El Protocolo
1. El Protocolo
June 2, 2010
El ej?rcito rodea el internado. Una alambrada impide que nadie pueda entrar o salir. Est?n incomunicados, se quiere evitar que cunda el p?nico m?s all? de los l?mites del bosque. La cepa m?s peligrosa del virus de Ottox ha sido liberada en pleno coraz?n de La Laguna Negra. Todos sus habitantes pueden estar infectados. As?, en estado de alerta m?xima, arranca la ?ltima etapa de El internado.
June 2, 2010
Summary is not available.
Where to Watch El Internado
El Internado is available for streaming on the Antena 3 website, both individual episodes and full seasons. You can also watch El Internado on demand at Netflix.
  • Premiere Date
    May 24, 2007
  • IMDB Rating
    8.1  (5,804)