Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace Season 2019 Episode 20

Ep 20. Sun, May 19, 2019

  • May 19, 2019

On Sunday, May 19, 2019, the twentieth episode of Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace aired. Wallace, the show’s host, invited a number of guests to discuss major political issues and current events happening in the United States.

One of the guests on the show was Representative Adam Schiff, a Democrat from California who serves as the Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee. Schiff and Wallace discussed the ongoing investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election and the possible impeachment of President Donald Trump. Schiff expressed concerns about the President’s behavior and called for further investigation into his conduct.

Another guest on the show was Representative Jim Jordan, a Republican from Ohio who serves on the House Oversight Committee. Jordan and Wallace discussed the recent controversy surrounding Alabama’s new abortion law, and Jordan defended the law, arguing that it was designed to protect the lives of the unborn.

Wallace also spoke with Michael Chertoff, the former Secretary of Homeland Security under President George W. Bush. Chertoff discussed the recent cyber attacks against American infrastructure and the need for increased cybersecurity measures to protect against future attacks.

In addition to these discussions, Fox News Sunday also featured its regular segments, including a panel discussion with political commentators Amy Walter, Gerald Seib, and Jason Riley. The panelists discussed the latest political news, including the ongoing trade negotiations with China and the controversy surrounding the Department of Justice’s handling of the Mueller report.

Overall, the twentieth episode of Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace was a thought-provoking and informative discussion of some of the most pressing political issues facing the United States in 2019. With a diverse range of guests and perspectives represented, the show provided viewers with a well-rounded understanding of current events.

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  • First Aired
    May 19, 2019
  • Language