Frontline Season 26 Episode 11
Season 26

Ep 11. Sick Around the World

  • April 15, 2008

In season 26 episode 11 of Frontline, titled "Sick Around the World," the show focuses on the healthcare systems of various developed countries including Japan, Germany, Taiwan, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom. The episode delves into how these countries provide healthcare to their citizens, including coverage, cost, and quality of care.

Viewers are taken on a journey through each country's healthcare system, learning about the different approaches to healthcare and the specific benefits and drawbacks of each. The show explores how each country funds its healthcare system, how patients access care, and how healthcare providers are compensated.

"Sick Around the World" highlights some of the most pressing challenges that each country faces in providing healthcare, such as aging populations, rising healthcare costs, and increasing demand for specialized treatments. The episode also showcases how countries are addressing these challenges, possibly offering lessons that other countries could learn from.

The narrators of the episode interview healthcare experts and professionals, as well as everyday citizens who share their personal experiences with the healthcare systems in their respective countries. Viewers can expect to learn about a range of topics including universal coverage, patient choice, and wait times for medical procedures.

Overall, "Sick Around the World" raises important questions and provides valuable insights into the healthcare systems of some of the most advanced and developed countries in the world. The episode is both informative and engaging, offering viewers a glimpse into the inner workings of healthcare systems that are often shrouded in mystery.

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  • First Aired
    April 15, 2008
  • Language