Frontline Season 6 Episode 14
Season 6

Ep 14. To a Safer Place

  • April 12, 1988
  •   (41)

To a Safer Place is the fourteenth and final episode of the sixth season of Frontline. This episode tackles the issue of asbestos, a substance that has been linked to various respiratory diseases including lung cancer and mesothelioma.

The episode opens with a look at the history of asbestos use in the United States, from the early 20th century when it was considered a "miracle mineral" for its fireproofing and insulating properties, to the present day where it is known as a deadly carcinogen. Experts weigh in on the dangers of asbestos, and the struggles faced by those who have been exposed to it.

The show then dives into several cases of asbestos exposure, and how it has affected the lives of those involved. One story focuses on a group of navy veterans who were exposed to asbestos while serving on ships, and are now suffering from life-threatening illnesses. Another story follows a California family who was unknowingly exposed to asbestos during a home remodeling project, and the legal battles they face to try and hold those responsible accountable.

Through interviews with lawyers, activists, and asbestos industry insiders, the episode explores the complex history of asbestos regulation and litigation in the United States. It also delves into the challenges of effectively removing asbestos from buildings and infrastructure, and the cost-benefit analysis that companies and government agencies must undertake when deciding whether or not to take action.

The show highlights the ongoing fight for justice and compensation for those affected by asbestos exposure, and the efforts of advocacy groups to raise awareness about the dangers of the mineral. It also provides a sobering look at the toll that asbestos-related diseases take on individuals and their families, and the urgent need for continued efforts to prevent exposure and make the world a safer place.

Overall, To a Safer Place is a powerful exploration of the devastating impact of asbestos, and a call to action for individuals, companies, and governments to take responsibility and prevent future harm. It is a fitting conclusion to a season of Frontline that has tackled some of the most pressing issues of our time with deep insight and journalistic integrity.

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  • First Aired
    April 12, 1988
  • Language