Good Morning America Season 44 Episode 104

Ep 104. Sun, Apr 14, 2019

  • April 14, 2019

The episode of ABC's Good Morning America on Sunday, April 14th, 2019 offers a variety of segments, news updates, and feature stories. The episode begins with breaking news concerning the arrest of Julian Assange, the founder of Wikileaks, and the charges he faces in the United States. In the studio, the GMA team covers other top news stories from around the world, including updates on the Ethiopian Airlines crash and the ongoing Brexit saga.

Throughout the episode, Good Morning America features several interviews and profiles on a diverse range of topics. One segment focuses on the rise of female astronauts and scientists in the world of space exploration, including interviews with astronaut Jeanette Epps and NASA scientist Dr. Lori Glaze. The show also spotlights the future of transportation with a segment on self-driving cars and the sustainable materials being developed for them.

In addition, the episode features health and wellness segments, including an interview with celebrity trainer Jillian Michaels about her new book "The Six Keys", which focuses on a holistic approach to health and wellness. The show also covers a range of parenting and lifestyle topics, such as navigating the challenges of being a working mom and the growing popularity of plant-based diets.

Throughout the episode, the Good Morning America team offers viewers a mix of hard-hitting news and lighter, more uplifting segments. One segment highlights a group of students who are working to combat bullying and promote inclusivity in their school and community. The show also features a heartwarming profile of a young boy who has turned his passion for reading into a mission to inspire others.

In addition to news and feature segments, Good Morning America also includes regular updates on weather, traffic, and sports. The show concludes with a preview of what's to come on the next episode and the best viral moments from social media.

Overall, the ABC Good Morning America episode that aired on Sunday, April 14th, 2019, offers a diverse mix of news, feature stories, and interviews. With its blend of hard-hitting journalism and inspiring human interest pieces, the show is a must-watch for anyone looking to stay informed and engaged with the world around them.

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  • First Aired
    April 14, 2019
  • Language