Haibane Renmei Season 1 Episode 5
Haibane Renmei
Season 1

Ep 5. Library / The Abandoned Factory / The Beginning of the World

  • TV-14
  • November 20, 2002
  • 24 min
  • 7.4  (70)

In Haibane Renmei season 1 episode 5, titled Library / The Abandoned Factory / The Beginning of the World, the episode weaves a poignant and beautifully animated narrative that delves deeper into the mysterious, walled town of Glie and the lives of its ethereal inhabitants - the Haibane.

The episode begins in the tranquil silence of the library, a place where Rakka, the most recently arrived Haibane, ventures to find solace and perhaps some answers about the world she now inhabits. The serene atmosphere of the library offers a stark contrast to Rakka’s inner turmoil and the unanswered questions regarding her existence and the purpose of the Haibane. Here, she meets an older Haibane, who becomes an informal guide to both the library and potentially, the secrets of their world.

As Rakka explores the many shelves filled with books, the episode subtly hints at the vast expanse of knowledge and forgotten history within Glie. Despite the peaceful setting, there is a gentle undercurrent of melancholy, as it becomes clear that the histories the Haibane may seek are either lost or purposefully withheld from them. The interactions in the library set the stage for a narrative that is as much about seeking knowledge as it is about coming to terms with the beauty and limitations of their existence.

Transitioning from the library, the episode shifts its focus to the abandoned factory where some of the Haibane reside and work on maintaining the day-to-day necessities of their community. We are given a more in-depth look at their lives as Rakka begins to participate in the chores and tasks along with her fellow Haibane. As she gets involved in these daily routines, viewers are treated to a more intimate glimpse into the community's camaraderie and the roles each member plays, depicting the factory as a microcosm of the world they live in.

Through Rakka's eyes, we witness the careful balance between the mundane and the spiritual as the Haibane strive to create meaningful existences despite their curiously confined circumstances. The scenes in the factory highlight the sense of purpose that is derived from shared responsibility and effort, causing the viewer to reflect on the nature of work and community. The interactions among the Haibane reiterate themes of support, growth, and the nuances of their relationships.

As the episode unfolds, the abandoned factory serves as not just a setting, but a poignant symbol of the old and discarded being repurposed and given new life by the Haibane - a parallel to their own second chance at existence. The factory's quiet disrepair is a sharp contrast to the life it now houses. Viewers are encouraged to ponder the past lives of such places and the memories held within their decaying walls.

Moving into the latter part of the episode, Rakka stumbles upon an enigmatic room in the factory that houses what is known as "The Beginning of the World," a foundational book that might offer insights into the origins of the Haibane and the structure of the world they inhabit. The discovery of this text is a significant moment, as it promises knowledge and a deeper understanding of the Haibane's lore. Furthermore, the title of the book itself raises existential questions both for Rakka and the audience.

As Rakka delves into the pages of this tome, the narrative texture of the episode grows richer. Through visual storytelling and evocative music, the creators of the show transport viewers to the parables contained within the book. While not providing any easy answers, these tales nonetheless captivate Rakka and the viewers with their mystical quality, further deepening the enigma surrounding the Haibane.

In a blend of beautifully painted scenes and thoughtful dialogue, the episode of Library / The Abandoned Factory / The Beginning of the World contemplates the profound themes of self-discovery, the search for meaning, and the essence of community. By pulling back the veil on the world of the Haibane ever so slightly, the audience is granted an intriguing but cautious glimpse into the spiritual and philosophical undertones of this quiet, yet deeply profound world.

As the episode draws to a close, viewers are left with a sense of introspective calm mixed with curiosity. Rakka, as our eyes and heart within the story, demonstrates the universal journey of finding one's place in a world filled with unanswered questions and the comfort that can be found within a caring community. This episode, like the series as a whole, expertly balances the serene with the subtly unnerving, leaving a lasting impression that carries forward into the rest of the season.

Watch Haibane Renmei - Library / The Abandoned Factory / The Beginning of the World (s1 e5) Online - Watch online anytime: Stream, Download, Buy, Rent
Haibane Renmei, Season 1 Episode 5, is available to watch free on Crunchyroll and stream on Fuji TV. You can also stream, download, buy, rent Haibane Renmei on demand at Amazon, Apple TV online.
  • First Aired
    November 20, 2002
  • Content Rating
  • Runtime
    24 min
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    7.4  (70)