Hilarious Helmet History

Watch Hilarious Helmet History

  • 2016
  • 1 Season
  • 7.4  (13)

Hilarious Helmet History is a hilarious and informative show from Cracked Studios that stars the witty and knowledgeable Alex Schmidt. This show takes a comical look at the often overlooked history of helmets. Schmidt dives into the world of helmets and explores their evolution throughout history. From ancient times to modern day, he takes us on a journey through the various types of headgear and their uses.

The show is a fantastic combination of humor and education. Schmidt's comedic timing and delivery make even the most mundane facts entertaining. He manages to bring levity to a subject that can sometimes be dry.

Throughout the series, Schmidt brings on guests who are experts in the field of helmet history. These experts provide additional context and knowledge about specific types of helmets and their significance. The guests range from historians to engineers, and their different perspectives add an extra layer of depth to the show.

One of the standout episodes of the series, titled The Evolution of the Motorcycle Helmet, breaks down the history of this important piece of safety equipment. Schmidt examines the development of the motorcycle helmet from its inception in the early 1900s through the modern day. He also discusses the various factors that influenced the design of the helmet over the years, including safety regulations and advancements in technology.

Another episode delves into the fascinating history of the samurai helmet, or kabuto. Schmidt explores the intricate process of making these helmets and how they were used in battle. He interviews a renowned historian who provides additional information about the cultural significance of the kabuto.

One of the reasons that Hilarious Helmet History is such a great show is its appeal to a wide audience. While the subject matter might seem niche, Schmidt's entertaining presentation makes it accessible to everyone. Whether you're a history buff or just looking for a good laugh, this show has something for you.

The production value of Hilarious Helmet History is also noteworthy. The set design is well thought out, with an attention to detail that helps transport the viewer to different time periods. The graphics are also top-notch, providing additional information and visual aids to accompany Schmidt's narration.

Overall, Hilarious Helmet History is an excellent show that combines humor and education in a way that is both entertaining and informative. Alex Schmidt's comedic talents are on full display as he explores the fascinating world of helmets. The show is a must-watch for anyone interested in history, humor, or just looking for a good time.

Hilarious Helmet History
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  • Premiere Date
    December 27, 2016
  • IMDB Rating
    7.4  (13)