Kids' Bible Stories Season 1 Episode 19

Ep 19. Elisha And The Lady From Shunem

  • 3 min

In episode 19 of season 1 of Kids' Bible Stories, we learn about the story of Elisha and the Lady from Shunem. The episode begins with Elisha, a prophet of God, traveling through the town of Shunem. A woman from the town notices Elisha passing by and invites him to stay at her house. The woman recognizes Elisha as a holy man and wants to provide for him during his travels.

Elisha accepts the woman's invitation and stays at her home whenever he is traveling through Shunem. The woman notices that Elisha doesn't have his own room to stay in and decides to use her own resources to build him a separate room. The woman is very generous and caring towards Elisha, making sure that he has everything he needs during his stays.

As a way to show her appreciation for Elisha, the woman decides to go above and beyond in her efforts to make sure that he is comfortable and well taken care of. She even prepares a meal for him every time he stays at her home. Elisha is grateful for the woman's hospitality and continues to provide her with blessings from God.

After some time, the woman discovers that she is pregnant. She is overjoyed at the news and tells Elisha. Elisha is overjoyed as well and tells her that she will give birth to a son. The woman is amazed at the news, as she has never been able to conceive before.

A few years later, the woman's son becomes ill and dies. The woman is heartbroken and seeks out Elisha for help. Elisha comes to see the woman and her son, and he prays to God for the boy's soul to be returned to him. Miraculously, the boy is brought back to life and the woman is overjoyed.

The story of Elisha and the Lady from Shunem is one of faith, generosity, and blessings. The woman's willingness to go above and beyond in her hospitality towards Elisha pays off in the form of a miraculous blessing from God - the gift of a son. And when tragedy strikes and the boy dies, Elisha's faith in God and his ability to bring the boy back to life shows us all that anything is possible with faith and divine intervention.

This episode of Kids' Bible Stories is a great reminder of the power of a kind heart, the importance of faith in times of tragedy, and the blessings that come when we live a life of generosity and love.

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  • Runtime
    3 min
  • Language