Kids' Bible Stories Season 4 Episode 20

Ep 20. The Kingdom Of Heaven

  • 3 min

The Kingdom of Heaven is the twentieth episode of the fourth season of the exciting and enchanting show, Kids' Bible Stories. In this captivating episode, kids will delve into the teachings of Jesus Christ and explore some of the most compelling parables in the Bible.

The episode starts with Jesus telling his disciples about the kingdom of heaven. He explains that the kingdom of heaven is like a farmer who planted seeds in the soil. Some of the seeds fell on the path, some on rocky ground, some among thorns, and some on good soil. Jesus then explains that the seeds that fell on good soil produced a bountiful crop, while the others did not.

Next, Jesus explains that the kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed, which is the smallest of all seeds, but when it grows, it becomes the largest of all plants. Similarly, the kingdom of heaven is like yeast that a woman mixed into three measures of flour, and the yeast made the dough rise.

In the next section of the episode, children learn about the parable of the weeds. In this parable, Jesus tells the story of a farmer who planted good seeds in his field, but during the night, an enemy planted weeds among the wheat. When the wheat sprouted, so did the weeds. The farmer's workers asked him if they should pull out the weeds, but he told them not to, lest they also uproot the wheat. He instructed them to let both grow together until the harvest, at which time the weeds would be separated and burned while the wheat would be harvested.

The third parable in the episode is about the treasure hidden in a field. Jesus tells the story of a man who found a treasure hidden in a field and sold all he had to buy that field. The kingdom of heaven, Jesus explains, is like that treasure – it is so valuable that we must be willing to give up everything to attain it.

The fourth and final parable in the episode is about a net cast into the sea. Jesus explains that the kingdom of heaven is like a net that was cast into the sea and caught fish of every kind. When the fishermen pulled the net to shore, they sorted the fish, keeping the good ones and throwing away the bad ones. Similarly, at the end of time, the angels will sort the people, separating the good from the bad.

In this episode, children will learn about the values of the kingdom of heaven, the importance of being comfortable with change, and how to appreciate things in life. They will learn about the power of time and the necessity of giving the fruit of a good deed time to grow before we see the result. This episode will teach children that sometimes it takes a long time to see the fruit of their labor, but it is worth the wait. Whether they are searching for treasure, fishing for souls, or planting seeds, this episode will give kids the tools they need to understand the keys to success in these pursuits.

Overall, The Kingdom of Heaven is an engaging episode of Kids' Bible Stories that is perfect for kids of all ages. The parables provide valuable lessons on life and teach children to never give up hope or faith in the face of obstacles. This is a great episode that children and families will enjoy watching together.

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  • Runtime
    3 min
  • Language