Larry King Now Season 3 Episode 142
Larry King Now
Season 3

Ep 142. Elizabeth Banks On Directing, Pitch Perfect 2, and Sexism in Hollywood

  • TV14
  • June 3, 2015
  • 1680 min

Elizabeth Banks is an actress, producer, director, and writer who has made a name for herself in Hollywood. In this episode of Larry King Now, Banks joins Larry to discuss her role as producer and director of the hit movie Pitch Perfect 2. She also opens up about the challenges she faced as a female director in the male-dominated film industry, her thoughts on sexism in Hollywood, and her approach to filmmaking.

Larry starts the conversation by asking Banks about her experience directing Pitch Perfect 2. She talks about the pressure she felt to live up to the success of the first movie and the challenges of directing a large ensemble cast. Banks also shares her approach to comedy and how she balanced the humor and heart of the film.

Larry then shifts the conversation to the issue of sexism in Hollywood. Banks talks about her own experiences with sexism and the ways in which she navigates the industry as a woman. She also shares her thoughts on the lack of diversity in Hollywood and the importance of telling stories from different perspectives.

Throughout the interview, Banks also shares insights into her creative process and the ways in which she approaches filmmaking. She talks about the importance of collaboration and the value of different perspectives. She also shares tips for aspiring directors and producers who want to break into the industry.

Whether you're a fan of Elizabeth Banks, Pitch Perfect, or the film industry in general, you won't want to miss this insightful interview with one of Hollywood's leading voices.

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  • First Aired
    June 3, 2015
  • Content Rating
  • Runtime
    1680 min
  • Language