Larry King Now Season 4 Episode 85
Larry King Now
Season 4

Ep 85. Supercharge Your Brain: Drs. John Ratey & Michael Merzenich

  • TV14
  • February 26, 2016
  • 1680 min

In this episode of Larry King Now season 4, episode 85, titled "Supercharge Your Brain: Drs. John Ratey & Michael Merzenich," Larry King sits down with two acclaimed neuroscientists to discuss ways in which we can improve brain function and cognitive abilities.

Drs. John Ratey and Michael Merzenich are both pioneers in the field of neuroscience and have spent years researching ways to enhance brain performance. Throughout the episode, they provide insights and tips on how we can all supercharge our brains for better cognitive function, memory, and focus.

The conversation begins with a discussion around the brain's incredible ability to adapt and change, a concept known as neuroplasticity. Dr. Merzenich explains that this process is ongoing, and that our brains are constantly rewiring and changing based on our experiences and environment.

From there, the conversation delves into various ways we can keep our brains healthy and functioning at their best. The doctors discuss the importance of exercise, nutrition, and sleep, and how each of these elements can impact brain function.

They also discuss the benefits of engaging in intellectually challenging activities, such as learning a new language or musical instrument, in order to maintain cognitive abilities and stave off age-related mental decline.

Throughout the episode, Drs. Ratey and Merzenich also share personal stories and anecdotes to illustrate their points, making the conversation engaging and relatable.

Overall, "Supercharge Your Brain: Drs. John Ratey & Michael Merzenich" is a fascinating and informative discussion on ways we can all take steps to optimize our brain function. Whether you're young or old, the insights shared in this episode can help you make positive changes to your lifestyle to keep your brain functioning at its best.

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  • First Aired
    February 26, 2016
  • Content Rating
  • Runtime
    1680 min
  • Language