Larry King Now Season 5 Episode 89
Larry King Now
Season 5

Ep 89. Anne Heche On Motherhood, Johnny Depp, and "catfights"

  • TV14
  • March 8, 2017
  • 1620 min

In this episode of Larry King Now, the legendary host sits down with actress Anne Heche to discuss motherhood, Johnny Depp, and "catfights". Heche talks about her experience as a mother and how it has affected her career choices. She also opens up about her relationship with Johnny Depp and what it was like working with him on the set of "Donnie Brasco".

The conversation takes an interesting turn when Larry asks Heche about her personal experiences with "catfights" in Hollywood. Heche discusses the pressure that women face in the industry to constantly compete with each other and the devastating effects it can have on mental health and relationships.

Throughout the interview, Heche remains candid and honest about her experiences, even admitting to struggles with mental health and addiction. She talks about how she has sought help and the importance of seeking therapy when dealing with personal issues.

As usual, Larry King brings his signature style of interviewing to the table, allowing the conversation to flow naturally while still getting to the heart of the matter. He doesn't shy away from asking tough questions, but does so in a respectful manner.

Overall, this episode of Larry King Now offers a fascinating glimpse into the life and experiences of Anne Heche, both in and out of Hollywood. It's a must-watch for fans of the actress and anyone interested in gaining insight into the inner workings of the entertainment industry.

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  • First Aired
    March 8, 2017
  • Content Rating
  • Runtime
    1620 min
  • Language