Let's Make A Deal Season 3 Episode 49

Ep 49. 12/3/12

  • December 3, 2012

Let's Make A Deal Season 3, Episode 49: "12/3/12"

Welcome to Let's Make A Deal! In this exciting episode, hosted by the talented Wayne Brady, the audience is in for a treat as they join contestants in a game of wits, luck, and surprises.

As the show begins, the audience eagerly anticipates the moment when Wayne will randomly select the first contestant to come on down and take the center stage. With each contestant clad in quirky, imaginative costumes, the atmosphere is filled with anticipation and laughter.

The show wastes no time in introducing the first game of the day. Wayne presents the eager contestants with a series of doors, each concealing a hidden prize. The contestants are faced with the classic dilemma: do they choose Door number one, Door number two, or Door number three? With each door holding a potential treasure or a whimsical Zonk, the stakes are high, and contestants must rely on their intuition to make the right choice.

As the competition unfolds, the contestants find themselves faced with amusing challenges that push their decision-making skills to the limit. They may be asked to trade their prizes for a chance at something even more valuable, or they may risk losing everything for the opportunity to win big. Some contestants bravely accept Wayne's daring offers, while others decide to play it safe and hold on to what they've already won.

The excitement doesn't end there; a few lucky contestants are selected to participate in quick-fire games that pit their wits against the clock. These heart-pounding challenges require lightning-fast responses and a keen eye for detail, all under the watchful eye of Wayne and the cheering audience. The tension rises as the contestants strategize and try to outsmart their opponents, all while hoping to secure a marvelous prize.

In addition to these thrilling games, Let's Make A Deal surprises the audience with its signature Big Deal of the Day. This grand prize package is revealed towards the end of each show, and it often features a luxurious vacation, a brand-new car, or a high-tech gadget. The contestants who have amassed the most valuable prizes during the show are given the opportunity to trade their winnings for the chance to win the Big Deal. Will they risk everything they've won so far, or play it safe and walk away with what they have?

Throughout the episode, Wayne entertains the audience with his quick wit, hilarious banter, and infectious energy. His charismatic personality shines through as he engages with the contestants, creating a fun and engaging atmosphere. Wayne's rapport with the audience is undeniable, as he effortlessly charms and delights them with his unpredictable antics and memorable catchphrases.

Let's Make A Deal is not only a game show but a celebration of spontaneity, imagination, and the thrill of taking risks. Contestants come from all walks of life, donning their creative costumes and hoping to make their dreams come true. With each episode offering new games, surprises, and unforgettable moments, Let's Make A Deal continues to captivate viewers with its unique blend of entertainment and suspense.

So, join Wayne Brady and a lively, enthusiastic audience for Let's Make A Deal Season 3, Episode 49: "12/3/12". Who will strike it lucky and win big? Which contestant's gamble will pay off? Tune in to find out!

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  • First Aired
    December 3, 2012
  • Language