Look Around You Season 1 Episode 8
Look Around You
Season 1

Ep 8. The Brain

  • December 11, 2002

Look Around You is a satirical television show that parodies educational programs from the 1970s and 80s. Season 1, episode 8, titled "The Brain," is a comical exploration of the human brain and its functionality.

The episode opens with the host, Jack Morgan (Peter Serafinowicz), introducing the topic of the brain and its importance in day to day life. He begins by showing viewers a simple experiment where he drops a coin and asks a participant to pick it up. Through this experiment, he explains to the viewers that the brain is responsible for the decision-making process and plays a significant role in all human behavior.

The program then takes viewers on a journey through the inner workings of the brain, starting with its anatomy. The host introduces the different lobes of the brain and describes their functions, accompanied by humorous visual aids and demonstrations. One of the notable visual aids includes a giant brain model that Jack can climb into and explore.

Throughout the episode, there are numerous segments that feature actors in mock propaganda films, presenting dubious scientific facts and anecdotes that serve to further satirize the educational programming of the past. Viewers are presented with sketchy information about the brain, including the ability to predict a person's entire life by examining the shape of their head and how brain size can determine intelligence.

The show also uses fake infomercials to add levity to the episode. In one segment, viewers are introduced to the "Brain Machine," a contraption that claims to enhance brain activity through flashing lights and soothing sounds. Another segment features a man who has had his brain surgically removed, and he is shown to be living life to the fullest even without it.

One of the highlights of the episode is a musical number titled “The Brain Song." In the musical interlude, Jack and a group of children sing a catchy tune that highlights some of the key features and functions of the brain, including memory, imagination, and creativity.

The final segment of the episode features a mock experiment where three participants are asked to take on different roles: one as a dictator, one as a follower, and one as a rebel. The participants are then subjected to a series of stimuli meant to provoke specific reactions in the brain. The experiment is shown with hilarious results as each participant's behavior becomes more exaggerated under the influence of the stimuli applied.

The episode concludes with Jack summarizing the information presented throughout the program and reminding viewers of the importance of the brain and its role in human existence. It ends with a humorous twist that serves as a nod to the quirky nature of the show overall.

Overall, "The Brain" is a funny and clever exploration of the most complex human organ. Its satirical take on outdated educational programming coupled with humorous skits and visual aides make it a standout episode in the series.

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  • First Aired
    December 11, 2002
  • Language