Mobile Suit Gundam Wing Season 1 Episode 19

Ep 19. Assault on Barge

  • TVMA
  • March 25, 2010
  • 24 min

The show Mobile Suit Gundam Wing follows a group of Gundam pilots who are fighting for their individual agendas during an intense war. In season 1 episode 19, entitled "Assault on Barge," the pilots find themselves on a mission to take down a heavily fortified naval vessel belonging to the Organization of the Zodiac, their enemy.

The episode begins with the pilots discussing their plan of attack. They know that the Barge is heavily guarded and will require precision and teamwork to successfully take it down. The group splits up into small teams, each with a different task. Duo and Wufei will be taking on the Barge's guards on the surface, while Trowa is tasked with infiltrating it from underneath the water. Heero and Quatre will be taking out the main guns and defenses from the air.

As the attack begins, the pilots quickly realize that the Barge is more heavily armed than they had anticipated. Duo and Wufei find themselves outnumbered and outgunned by the enemy forces, and Trowa has trouble making a dent in the ship's hull. Heero and Quatre fare a bit better, but eventually, they too are overwhelmed by the Barge's defenses.

Despite their setbacks, the pilots persevere. Duo and Wufei take out several guards, eventually finding their way inside the ship. Trowa manages to infiltrate the Barge's lower levels, where he discovers a secret weapon being developed by the Organization of the Zodiac. Heero and Quatre successfully take out the Barge's main cannons, but are ambushed by the enemy's mobile suits.

The pilots find themselves in a difficult situation, with their mobile suits damaged and little ammunition left. Even so, they continue to fight, determined to take down the Barge and complete their mission. Eventually, they are able to regroup and focus their attacks on the ship's weak points. They take out the Barge's engines, causing it to crash into the ocean.

The pilots return to their base victorious, but their success is bittersweet. They realize that they still have much to do in the fight against the Organization of the Zodiac. As they reflect on their mission, they are interrupted by a distress call from one of their own. The episode ends on a cliffhanger, leaving viewers eager to see what will happen next.

Overall, "Assault on Barge" is an action-packed episode that showcases the pilots' dedication to their cause. It highlights their individual skills and the importance of teamwork in their battle against the Organization of the Zodiac. Despite the setbacks they face, the pilots never give up, and their determination ultimately leads to their success. The episode sets up future plot lines and leaves viewers wanting more.

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  • First Aired
    March 25, 2010
  • Content Rating
  • Runtime
    24 min
  • Language