Mutant X Season 2 Episode 1
Mutant X
Season 2

Ep 1. Past As Prologue

  • TV-PG
  • October 5, 2002
  • 43 min
  • 7.2  (41)

In this thrilling season 2 premiere episode of Mutant X, titled "Past As Prologue," our beloved team of genetically enhanced individuals faces their biggest challenge yet. Set in a world where genetic manipulation has granted extraordinary abilities to a select few, the Mutant X team strives to protect innocent lives and combat the looming threat of their arch-nemesis, Mason Eckhart.

The episode begins with Adam Kane, the brilliant geneticist and leader of Mutant X, receiving a mysterious package at his lab. As he unwraps it with caution, he discovers a long-lost diary belonging to his deceased wife, Rebecca. Overwhelmed by the memories that flood back, Adam decides to share the diary's contents with the rest of Mutant X while trying to unravel the hidden secrets within its pages. Little does he know that this seemingly innocent act will set off a chain of events that will reshape their lives forever.

As the team gathers around the lab, Adam reads aloud the passages from Rebecca's diary. They reveal a haunting account of her past and shed light on her involvement with Genesis, the organization responsible for creating mutants like themselves. The diary also mentions a powerful, enigmatic artifact known as the Dominion. Intrigued by this revelation, Shalimar Fox, the team's feral yet compassionate member, suggests investigating the Dominion's existence and its potential connection to their own abilities.

With their mission set, the team splits into two groups. Brennan Mulwray, the fiery and impulsive electricity-manipulator, alongside Jesse Kilmartin, the resourceful technopath, track down a lead on the Dominion's whereabouts. Meanwhile, Shalimar and Emma deLauro, the telepathic empath with a keen intellect, delve deeper into Rebecca's diary, hoping to find more clues to its mystifying nature.

As Brennan and Jesse dive into the seedy underbelly of the city, they encounter a dangerous arms dealer who possesses knowledge of the Dominion. Desperate to learn more, Brennan utilizes his powers to extract the information they need. The arms dealer, terrified and cornered, divulges that the Dominion is a remarkable device capable of altering the genetic makeup of anyone who wields it. Realizing the immense power it holds, Brennan and Jesse race back to warn the rest of Mutant X.

Meanwhile, Shalimar and Emma uncover a hidden message within Rebecca's diary, outlining a series of coordinates and a cryptic phrase. Equipped with this newfound information, they set out on a treacherous journey to locate the very origins of Mutant X. As they venture into uncharted territory, they face a myriad of obstacles, including dangerous traps and ambushes, each step bringing them closer to uncovering the truth.

As the two teams reconvene, their discoveries intertwine, unveiling a sinister plot beyond imagination. The Dominion isn't just a powerful artifact; it is the key to unlocking the dark intentions of Mason Eckhart, who seeks to enhance his own abilities and reshape the world to his own design. Propelled by their unbreakable bond and shared commitment to protect humanity, Mutant X prepares for an epic showdown against Eckhart and his ruthless minions.

"Past As Prologue" sets the stage for an action-packed season filled with intense battles, unexpected alliances, and heartfelt moments of self-discovery. As the team confronts their past demons, confronts new threats, and unravels the mysteries surrounding the Dominion, they must harness their unique abilities and rely on each other like never before.

With its captivating storyline, complex characters, and mind-blowing special effects, Mutant X season 2 episode 1 promises to be an enthralling chapter in this gripping superhero saga. Tune in for a thrilling hour of adventure, suspense, and the eternal struggle between good and evil.

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  • First Aired
    October 5, 2002
  • Content Rating
  • Runtime
    43 min
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    7.2  (41)