My Life as Liz Season 1 Episode 8
My Life as Liz
Season 1

Ep 8. A Prom to Remember Part 2

  • March 1, 2010
  • 6.0  (5)

Liz Lee is a high school senior living in a small Texas town. She’s unconventional, quirky, and doesn’t quite fit in with the popular crowd. In this episode, Liz prepares for her senior prom, but not without some bumps in the road.

Part 2 of A Prom to Remember picks up where the previous episode left off: with Liz’s friend Sully acting weirdly at their pre-prom photo session. Liz is confused and hurt by his behavior, unsure of where she stands with him. To make matters worse, Liz has been having trouble finding the perfect prom dress. She takes her mother’s advice to heart and decides to make her own dress.

Liz’s ex-boyfriend Bryson unexpectedly shows up at her house in the middle of her dress-making process. It’s clear that he still has feelings for her, but Liz is unsure about what she wants. While Bryson promises her a “perfect prom,” Liz remembers the way he treated her in the past and is hesitant to trust him again.

The day of the prom finally arrives and Liz is nervous about whether or not her self-made dress will pass muster with her peers. When she arrives at the venue, she realizes that Sully is already there with another girl. Heartbroken and feeling rejected, Liz takes refuge in the bathroom.

But Liz is never one to stay down for long. With some encouragement from her friends, Liz reenters the prom, ready to dance the night away. She even shares a sweet moment with Bryson on the dance floor, proving that she is ready to move on from their complicated past.

Overall, this episode is a bittersweet testament to the highs and lows of high school relationships. Despite the heartache, Liz is able to find joy in the moment and create a prom memory that she will always cherish.

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  • First Aired
    March 1, 2010
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    6.0  (5)