NOVA scienceNOW Season 3 Episode 3
NOVA scienceNOW
Season 3

Ep 3. Hubble Repair/First Primate/Alfredo Quiñones Hinojosa/Iraqi Bacteria

  • July 9, 2008

NOVA scienceNOW season 3 episode 3 features four different fascinating stories. The first story explores the complex and challenging process of repairing NASA's Hubble Telescope. The second story features a remarkable discovery of a 47-million-year-old primate fossil, which provides a glimpse into the evolution of primates. The third story is about a Hispanic surgeon named Alfredo Quiñones Hinojosa, who rose from poverty to become a highly respected neurosurgeon at Johns Hopkins Hospital. The fourth and final story looks at the discovery of a new bacteria in Iraq and how it sheds light on the evolution of life on Earth.

The episode begins with the story of how NASA repaired the Hubble Telescope, which was in danger of becoming obsolete due to a failed gyroscopic system. The episode showcases the meticulous process undertaken by the Hubble team to repair and upgrade the telescope, allowing it to continue to make groundbreaking discoveries. Viewers will see a behind-the-scenes look at the complex operation, including the risky spacewalks performed by astronauts to upgrade the equipment.

The second story explores the discovery of a 47-million-year-old primate fossil called Darwinius masillae. The fossil was discovered in Germany and is the most complete primate fossil ever found. The episode shows viewers how this discovery is changing our understanding of primate evolution and has the potential to rewrite the history of human origins. Through interviews with scientists and footage of the fossil skeleton, viewers will learn about the special features of this ancient primate and its significance to the study of human evolution.

The third story focuses on the remarkable life of Alfredo Quiñones Hinojosa, a Hispanic brain surgeon who grew up as a migrant farmworker in California. The episode showcases his journey from working in the fields to becoming a highly respected neurosurgeon at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, MD. Viewers will be inspired by Hinojosa's incredible work ethic, perseverance, and dedication to helping others through his medical skills. The episode highlights the challenges he faced and his ultimate triumph over adversity, serving as an inspiration to others who face similar obstacles.

The fourth and final story looks at the discovery of a new bacteria called Halobacterium salinarum in Iraq. This bacteria thrives in the extreme conditions of the salt flats and provides valuable insights into the evolution of life on Earth. The episode showcases how scientists use genome sequencing to study these bacteria and how their genetic makeup helps them survive in extreme environments. Viewers will learn about the significance of this discovery and the potential for future breakthroughs in the study of biotechnology and medicine.

Overall, NOVA scienceNOW season 3 episode 3 provides four compelling and engaging stories that will inform and inspire viewers. From the complexities of repairing the Hubble telescope to the remarkable journey of Alfredo Quiñones Hinojosa, viewers will have plenty to learn and enjoy in this episode. The stories showcase the importance of science and technology in our lives and the remarkable feats that can be achieved through hard work, determination, and ingenuity.

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  • First Aired
    July 9, 2008
  • Language