Operation Ouch Season 7 Episode 2
Operation Ouch
Season 7

Ep 2. Episode 2

  • February 13, 2018

Operation Ouch! is a British children's educational television show that focuses on the human body and its functions. The show is hosted by identical twin brothers, Dr. Xand and Dr. Chris van Tulleken. In season 7, episode 2, the twins explore the human body further, with a particular focus on the amazing things the body can do.

The episode begins with the doctors showing off some incredible human feats. Dr. Xand balances a bicycle on his chin, while Dr. Chris shows off his ability to twist himself into a pretzel. These incredible abilities are all thanks to the flexibility of the human body, and the show aims to teach children about the different ways in which their bodies can move.

The first segment of the episode includes a look at the heart and its important role in the body. The doctors use an ultrasound machine to examine the heart of a young girl named Ruby. They explain how the heart pumps blood throughout the body and demonstrate how it works using a balloon to show how blood flows through the heart.

Next, the doctors investigate the human ear and how it helps us to hear. They perform a series of experiments with sound waves, including showing how sound travels through solids and liquids. They then explain how the ear works, with the help of some impressive CGI graphics.

The episode also explores the topic of sneezing and how it can spread germs. The doctors use a special camera to show how sneezes can travel up to 100 miles per hour and spread germs up to 6 feet away. They also demonstrate the importance of covering your mouth when you sneeze to prevent the spread of germs.

Moving on to the topic of bones, the twins show how flexible the human skeleton is by performing some incredible contortions. They also demonstrate the importance of bones, using a skeleton model to show how they protect our vital organs and help us move.

Finally, the episode takes a look at the human brain and how it controls our thoughts and actions. The doctors perform a series of experiments to demonstrate how the brain works, including showing how different areas of the brain are responsible for different tasks.

Overall, episode 2 of season 7 of Operation Ouch! is an exciting and educational look at the amazing capabilities of the human body. Using a combination of fun experiments and impressive visual aids, the show encourages children to learn more about their bodies and how they work.

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  • First Aired
    February 13, 2018
  • Language