Penn and Teller Bullshit Season 3 Episode 5

Ep 5. Holier Than Thou

  • TV-MA
  • May 23, 2005
  • 29 min
  • 7.7  (131)

In episode five of the third season of Penn and Teller Bullshit, entitled "Holier Than Thou," the dynamic duo takes on the topic of religion. As always, Penn and Teller approach the subject with their trademark irreverence and skepticism, exploring the idea of religious superiority and examining the often-unseen consequences of religious belief.

The episode begins with Penn and Teller exploring the concept of religious exclusivity. They attend an evangelical church service in which the pastor proclaims that only those who accept Jesus as their savior will go to heaven. Penn and Teller question the validity of this belief, considering the billions of people in the world who do not practice Christianity. They also point out that, historically, religious exclusivity has led to violence and oppression, citing the Crusades and the Spanish Inquisition as examples.

Next, Penn and Teller turn their attention to the role of religion in politics. They examine the influence of religious groups on American politics, particularly the Christian right, highlighting the ways in which religion has been used to justify discrimination against LGBT individuals and women's reproductive rights. They also point out the hypocrisy of many politicians who claim to be devout Christians but act in ways that are contrary to the teachings of Jesus, such as supporting war and capital punishment.

The episode then takes a darker turn as Penn and Teller explore the impact of religious belief on children. They interview several individuals who were raised in strict religious households and suffered physical and emotional abuse as a result. Penn and Teller argue that the idea of "spare the rod, spoil the child" has been used to justify a range of abuses in the name of religious discipline. They also note the detrimental effects of religious indoctrination on children, including the suppression of critical thinking and a resistance to scientific evidence.

Penn and Teller then delve into the world of faith healers, exposing the fraudulent tactics used by many preachers who claim to have miraculous healing powers. They interview several individuals who were lured in by the promise of healing, only to be disappointed and exploited. Penn and Teller argue that faith healing is not only ineffective but can also lead people to reject medical treatment and endanger their health.

The episode concludes with a look at the business of religion. Penn and Teller explore the tax-exempt status of churches and the financial benefits enjoyed by many religious leaders. They argue that the exploitation of religious belief for financial gain is a common practice, with some televangelists making millions of dollars by preying on vulnerable individuals.

Overall, "Holier Than Thou" is a thought-provoking and highly critical examination of the role of religion in society. Penn and Teller do not shy away from controversial topics or challenging beliefs. Instead, they use their platform to shed light on the often-unseen consequences of religious belief and to promote critical thinking and skepticism.

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  • First Aired
    May 23, 2005
  • Content Rating
  • Runtime
    29 min
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    7.7  (131)