POV Season 22 Episode 12
Season 22

Ep 12. Ella es el Matador (She Is the Matador)

  • September 1, 2009

Ella es el Matador (She Is the Matador) is a gripping and thought-provoking episode of POV from the 22nd season. The episode follows the extraordinary journey of two female matadors, Maripaz Vega and Eva Florencia, as they navigate a male-dominated industry and challenge traditional gender roles in Spain.

Directed by Gemma Cubero and Celeste Carrasco, the film provides an intimate and insightful look into the complex world of bullfighting and the personal struggles of its performers. The filmmakers spent years following Vega and Florencia, capturing their moments of triumph and defeat, as well as their deep love and respect for the animals they work with.

Through powerful interviews with the matadors, their families, and fellow bullfighters, the film explores what draws these women to this dangerous and controversial profession, as well as the challenges they face in a society that often dismisses them as mere novelties.

Despite their immense skill and talent, Vega and Florencia face criticism and discrimination from many traditionalists in the bullfighting community. They are often seen as outsiders, performing in a world that was not meant for them.

But despite these challenges, the women remain steadfast in their pursuit of their dreams. They are determined to prove that they belong in the bullring, and that they can perform feats of bravery and athleticism just as well as any man.

Ella es el Matador is a visually stunning and emotionally powerful film that will leave viewers questioning their own beliefs about gender, tradition, and courage. It is a must-see for anyone interested in the history and culture of Spain, as well as those who are passionate about animal rights and gender equality.

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  • First Aired
    September 1, 2009
  • Language