POV Season 24 Episode 5
Season 24

Ep 5. Biblioburro: The Donkey Library

  • July 19, 2011

In POV season 24 episode 5, titled "Biblioburro: The Donkey Library," viewers are taken on a journey to rural Colombia to meet a man with a unique mission. Luis Soriano, a schoolteacher in a small village, has created a mobile library using two donkeys named Alfa and Beto. The donkeys carry books on their backs and travel to remote areas that lack access to books and education.

The episode begins by introducing viewers to Soriano, who explains his background and how he came up with the idea for the Biblioburro. He talks about how he noticed that many children in his village lacked access to reading materials and that he wanted to do something to change that. Soriano discusses how he first started with a small collection of books in his home and then expanded the program to include the donkeys to reach even more people.

Throughout the episode, viewers follow Soriano and the Biblioburro on their journeys to remote villages in the Colombian countryside. They see the joy on the faces of both the children and adults who come out to greet Soriano and the donkeys. Soriano tells stories and reads aloud to the children, while adults often take advantage of the opportunity to learn and improve their literacy skills.

In addition to showcasing the impact that the Biblioburro has had on the communities it serves, the episode also delves into the challenges that Soriano faces. He discusses how funding and resources are often scarce, and how he has had to rely on his own determination and creativity to keep the program going. He also talks about the dangers of traveling through the sometimes dangerous and unpredictable terrain of rural Colombia.

The episode features interviews with some of the people who have been touched by the Biblioburro. Viewers meet a young girl whose love of reading was sparked thanks to the program, an elderly man who learned to read late in life and is now an avid reader, and a woman who credits the Biblioburro with helping her achieve her goal of going to college.

Along with the personal stories, the episode also provides context for the larger issues surrounding literacy and education in rural Colombia. Viewers learn about the historical factors that have contributed to the lack of access to education in these areas, as well as the efforts being made by the government and other organizations to address the issue.

Overall, "Biblioburro: The Donkey Library" is a heartwarming and inspiring look at how one man's passion for education and books has made a real difference in the lives of those he serves. The episode highlights the power of literacy and the importance of access to education, while also showcasing the resilience and ingenuity of the human spirit.

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  • First Aired
    July 19, 2011
  • Language